Shadegg Resolution Establishing National Day Of Remembrance For Murder Victims Passes House
Yesterday evening the House passed Congressman Shadegg's resolution (H. Res. 223) to encourage the establishment of September 25th of each year as a "National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims." "Too often, victims' families are left alone to cope with their loss and feel overwhelmed by the bureaucratic complexities of the criminal justice system. This resolution not only encourages the establishment of a National Day of Remembrance, but honors organizations such as the Arizona chapter of Parents of Murdered Children that provide support services and grief counseling to loved ones of murder victims," said Rep. Shadegg. "Long after the story of a homicide fades from newspapers and television programs, victims' families and friends are often left to mourn their loved ones in isolation. I have asked Members of Congress to join me in letting these families know they are not alone, and that as a nation we will remember the legacy of so many lives tragically cut short and recognize the significant benefits of the organizations that provide services to the loved ones of murder victims."
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