You may say that well, that is just Finland! It is not us. Fine, go back to your baseball game or watching re-runs. But if you are interested in how this applies to you, be advised that this law is prevalent in most of Europe. This type of law is a favorite of liberals because it quiets the people, forbidding them to raise hell about what they see is a dangerous problem. The liberals don't see the problem. Their doctrines are all reality-proof. Once they accept a dogma, that is it; that door is forever shut and sealed. Their doctrine has always been that the Western culture arrogantly placed itself above other cultures, when the other cultures were every bit as good. Some cultures, such as the culture of Islam, they considered superior--nobody questioned authority and everyone did what they were told, and they did almost everything en masse. Individualism was not encouraged.
How does it apply to you? We are talking about the liberal mindset, screwing up everything they ever learned about society and people. Because liberalism ran unchecked in Europe since the end of World War II, the European nations were turning Communist or close to it while we were in a great cold war fighting Communism. If you watched and listened over the years and decades you would have noticed that our liberals are no different from European liberals; they think the same. Ours, however, have been checked by conservatives; not so Europe. But you can be certain that any evil that liberals bring to Europe--such as laws against expressing opinions (seem familiar?)--they will bring here and nail to the door of the Supreme Court. So, go back to your games and canned laughter; you will need a laugh when you find yourself forbidden by law to say things such as "They should not be teaching kindergarten kids about homosexuality," or "I don't believe in gay marriage," or "Why are they giving amnesty to all those illegal aliens?" or "How can they call that a religion of peace?"
People now do not have to be hurt or insulted to be "offended." "Offended" simply means some folks just do not want you saying it because they do not feel the same way about it! So, to "offend"some of these nitwits, it only takes a difference of opinion. Too bad! If you don't care about things like that, fine. But if you do care, then do something! Talk about it, write a letter to the editor, call your congressman, DO SOMETHING. Don't be part of the walking dead, do something!
This is in response to the article "Finnish Police Will Question Blogger Under 'Incitement Against Groups' Law"
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