No matter how much spin the socialist Demolition Party puts on the provisions of the recent immigration bill it is AMNESTY! They know it and we know it. Their spin is a lie! No matter how many "racists" Ford , Anheuser Bush, and others fund to march with professionally crafted placards, shouting monstrous epithets about this is their country, not ours, and no matter how many toughs and thugs lurk in the background to punctuate their arrogant ire against us for wanting to protect the sovereignty they have desecrated already, we are not intimidated. We do not have to march, we do not have to carry flags or profane signs, this is our home and we have not invited them. As far as I am concerned, they can go home and take the anti-American, greedy employers with them. Our next votes should all reflect our real opinions, not the opinions the ingenuous media says are ours! If this administration does not stop illegal immigration NOW, before any bill is considered, we need to impeach. It is obvious the administration does not want to stop illegal immigration no matter what is being said. And the Demolitions are only going along with the bill at hand--like that of 1986--because they know once they get their part of it, they will not enforce the rest of it! When they will ever negotiate in good faith I will never know. They are the only ones I know who can snicker with tongue-in-cheek,
And while we are at it, why don't we require our congress to punish--YES, PUNISH, those companies who sent their factories, offices, laboratories, and our jobs overseas, enriching other countries while sending so many of our working people into poverty. Those companies should either return 75-80% of the work here for our workforce or get the hell out completely! We do not need people or businesses that do not love this country and its people and bow only to the god of greed! It is high time we ignored how much damned money somebody has and started looking at what kind of citizen her or she is! A good citizen does not bring in foreign workers so he can fire $15 per hour Americans and pay the foreign workers $8 per hour. That is a disgrace! It should have been stopped by both corrupt machines long before this.
I would also like to see the people of the United States get together in their own conferences, build their own parties in accordance with the Constitution, and ban the present political parties forever. I cannot see any other way of straightening out the mess that the leadership of both parties have made of this country; the Republicans since after Reagan and the Democrats since after Roosevelt. They have to go--they do not represent anyone but themselves and their own interests. I don't even want to mention some of those bozos on the Supreme Court. Ugh! We do not care what the law says in Zimbabwe! SCOTUS should only be interested in what the Constitution says.
Unless some drastic changes are made by this inept congress, this country is looking at oblivion. I would like to see the American people stop purchasing at the large stores selling cheap foreign goods with which we cannot compete because we do not have sweat-shops or slave labor--and use better materials. But unfortunately, some of our workers have been so impoverished by runaway, unchecked capitalism and greed, they cannot afford to buy anywhere else. It's like the company store of the century past! If we cannot get this country out of this mess, we are in for more of the same or worse. Perhaps the idea is that to get us to a point where we merge with Mexico, they will make us so poor it won't make a difference. An illegal alien, objecting to the amnesty "settlement" asked, "If we go back to our country first, what will happen to our jobs?" Their jobs the jobs Americans won't do--construction, clerical, landscaping, etc., etc., etc.? Right, their jobs! Roosevelt said in 1932 that we need "new deal". We need a new deck!
What do you think?
Sorry, I do not agree with you. It is the ONLY way we will get some form of Immigration Reform passed. When these intransigent "obstructionist" decide it is their way or the highway, they just don;t make sense. 20 years ago we would have had a chance. today - No Way! Bev
Bev I have to agree with you. Harry brings up some excellent points but this plan is better than nothing which it looks like might happen. Inaction on this will cause the issue to be taken off the board until 2009. What happens if Hillary Clinton is President? Beware of what you wish for, you may get it?
For those who call this "amnesty" please tell me how do you deal with 12 to 20 million of these people? I have yet to see ONE idea on that! This proposed Bill is only a start. Securing the Border is the #1 issue and that Bill addresses those points. I want to hear ideas, not the name calling caliing from the opponents of this.
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