At a recent meeting of Navajo Nation Council Delegates Shanker was not given an endorsement, and reports say he was asked to leave.
You might be wondering where you have heard the name Howard Shanker. He of course works for the Center for Biodiversity, the same folks who want to let forests burn, stop mining and stop cattle grazing in the rurals.
Even Renzi hater and Navajo Nation President, Joe Shirley, has walked away from Shanker because he is too liberal for the 92% Democrat Navajo Nation.

Rick Renzi with Navajo President Joe Shirley -
It’s reminiscent of the start of Jim Pederson’s campaign: immediate implosion.
Great Post AZ Conservative! Excellent research on this guy Howard Shanker. Sounds like he is just howling at the moon; kind of like what Ellen Simon did in 2006...
Center for Biodiversity, maybe Shanker is counting on the birds to vote for him, but real people won't. This guy will be easier for Renzi to crush then Simon.
Looks like you could use some "Fact Check" training... Shanker was just honored by the Navajo Nation for his work to protect sacred Dook'o'osliid (San Francisco Peak.) Navajo Nation Council, President Shirley presented Shanker with a plaque of appreciation and special Pendleton robe bearing the Navajo Nation seal
If you're going to blog to support your "conservative opinions", at least be truthful. Oh, and yes, I support Shanker.
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