If you think we are made of sterner stuff, think again. Our friends in the Democratic Party consider themselves Liberals--the European version of political arrogance. What Cal Thomas is objecting to below is the Liberal world view: Nothing is worth fighting for. What kind of representatives of the people go off in the middle of a war to enjoy a vacation while a war rages in the Middle East and our troops are sorely in need of funds? I cannot agree that it is a different kind of patriotism--unless one calls it international, vice national patriotism. Only that makes sense of what the Democrats do. How stupidly silly can some people be to promise the enemy that they only need to hold on a little longer to be free to do what they want without American interference?
Well, I will show you what kind of people they are: ask them what is their priority, saving the country from radical Islamists, or allowing gays to marry? Or, as an alternative, which is more important, homeland security or killing unwanted babies? In the coming months, will this Cal Thomas article describe us also?
Just What Does It Take?
In the words of Newt Gingrich...
"Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the leading captured terrorist from al Qaeda, offered a startling confession. He was almost certainly embellishing what he had done, but still, he told a chilling tale. He spoke unapologetically of the terrorist acts he had committed and those he had wished to commit. He took responsibility for killing almost 3,000 people on September 1, 2001. He said he had cut off a reporter's head, held it in his hand, and had his picture taken with it. And what was the reaction of two United States senators? They were worried that we had mistreated Khalid Sheik Mohammed in captivity.
They did not walk out of the room and say this is a frightening example of how serious our enemies are. They were worried that we were dealing incorrectly with the man who had just finished saying he wanted to slaughter us. This is a suicidal inability to come to the grips with evil."
-------------- (Do not offend the people who came to kill you.) -------------------------
America, you wanted them back in; now you got 'em! They take in stride without blinking an eye the outrageous and horrible acts of a mass murderer, a hero to his community. Yet these same senators go off balance and spew venom at the president who had the temerity to stand tall and say the fighting words, "Bring 'em on!"
Suicidal cowards, thy name is LIBERALS!
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