Welcome to The Weekly Trunk -- The Republican National Committee's new weekly email update on all the latest news and political happenings. The goal of The Weekly Trunk is to inform and arm you with the facts you need to spread our conservative message and refute the misstatements of the Democrats.
Projecting Weakness
Barack Obama is like a poker player that folds his winning hand because he doesn't want to offend the other players...(Charles Krauthammer, "It's Your Country Too, Mr. President," The Washington Post, 4/10/09)
"Useful Idiots"
Democrats visit Cuba's communist Castro brothers and reveal their own misguided, socialist instincts. (Mona Charen, "Useful Idiots Caucus: Genuinely Castrophilic," National Review, 4/9/09)
A True King of All Media
Obama's bloated $787 billion "Stimulus" package also gives Obama's FCC the right to dictate what type of internet, wireless and broadband coverage people may have in the future. After taking over cars and transportation, is Obama gunning for all media and information next? (Amy Schatz, "Internet Providers Gird for Fight With FCC," The Wall Street Journal, 4/6/09)
Maybe They Just Don't Want Us to Know...
The private sector is even more efficient than Obama's government at knowing what Obama's government is up to. Maybe Obama's government should just leave its greedy hands off the private sector.(Amanda Carpenter, "Private sector beats recovery.gov in tracking stimulus cash," The Washington Times, 4/10/09)
Don't Level Me
Barack Obama's socialism hurts the best of America and weakens our country in the world. (Michael Medved, "The Dangers of Leveling -- At Home and Abroad," Townhall.com, 4/8/09)
"Candidate A" Gets an "F"
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. is being investigated for possible wrongdoings associated with his efforts to be appointed to the open Illinois Senate seat by disgraced Democrat Governor Rod Blagojevich. (Natasha Korecki, "Ethics board launches probe into Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.," Chicago Sun-Times, 4/7/09)
The U.S. Constitution Will Do Just Fine, Thanks...
Clinton Supreme Court appointee Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a former ACLU general counsel, reveals her approval of foreign courts' influence on American law. What can we expect from the first Obama pick? (Adam Liptak, "Ginsburg Shares Views on Influence of Foreign Law on Her Court, and Vice Versa," The New York Times, 4/11/09)
No Bow? Yeah, Right...
If you watch the video at 0:54 / 3:36, you can clearly see that the President of the United States wasn't just grasping "his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah.&rdquo If I made such an outrageous claim, I'd make sure I was quoted anonymously, too. (Ben Smith, "White House: No bow to Saudi," Politico.com, 4/8/09)
Secretary of Teacher Union Appeasement
President Obama's Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, sides with teacher unions and against kids. (David Harsanyi, "Duncan's Fundamental Dishonesty," Denver Post, 4/8/09)
Never Mind What I Said!
After blasting the Bush Administration's handling of terrorist detainees, Barack Obama's team follows same policy. (Jake Tapper, "On ‘State Secrets,' Meet Barack W. Obama," ABCNews.com, 4/10/09)
Justice Koh? No.
Former Senator Rick Santorum reveals the transnationalist, anti-Constitution instincts of Barack Obama and his Administration. (Rick Santorum, "The Elephant in the Room: Obama vs. United States," The Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/9/09)
Better Health Care?
Health care in America does need reform, but universal coverage is not the answer.(Ramesh Ponnuru, "The Misguided Quest for Universal Coverage," The New York Times, 4/8/09)
We Didn't Start the Fire
Barack Obama seems to feel that America must apologize incessantly to the world community. He should learn more and apologize less. (Alan Reynolds, "It Didn't Start Here: The Global Downturn Began Long Before U.S. Financial Mess," New York Post, 4/9/09)
And, finally, check out this very revealing video on the out of control spending policies of the Obama Administration from the folks at Stop Spending Our Future:
Don't Miss . . . Watch Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty's weekly Republican YouTube address here.
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