Robocall Reveals Giffords’ Support for Devastating New Energy Tax
Washington– The NRCC announced a new offensive of robocalls aimed at holding Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) accountable for following Nancy Pelosi’s lead to open the doors for a brand new energy tax that will hit every family in Arizona.
The robocalls confront Giffords for her support of this so-called “Cap-and-Trade” program – better known as “Cap-and-Tax” – that could lead to $650 billion in new energy taxes and cost jobs.
“Gabby Giffords has failed to be honest about her willingness to support a devastating energy tax increase at the expense of her constituents in Arizona,” said NRCC CommunicationsThe robocalls began this week during the congressional recess while Gabby Giffords will have to face her constituents and try to explain why she voted for a $3.5 trillion budget, paving the way for a national energy tax that will hit every person who flips on a light switch.Below is the script for the robocall:
Director Ken Spain. “We will continue to hold Gabby Giffords accountable for rubber-stamping Nancy Pelosi’s agenda that will burden middle-class families and inflict further damage on an already fragile economy for years to come.”
Hello, this is (male voice) calling from the National
Republican Congressional Committee with an urgent message about jobs in our area. Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Gabby Giffords voted for a budget with a trillion dollar deficit, now Congressman Gabby Giffords may support Nancy Pelosi’s Cap and Trade energy tax that could increase taxes by $650 billion
dollars. These democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Gabby Giffords don’t get it. Raising taxes on energy could cost us jobs, maybe even yours. Balancing our own checkbooks is hard enough without raising taxes.
Call Congressman Gabby Giffords today at 202 225-3121 and tell them to stand up for jobs and not new taxes.
Paid for by The National Republican Congressional Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. www.nrcc.org. 202-479-7000
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