Defending Arizona, Protecting America
Dear Friend, I have been traveling around Arizona listening to your concerns about health care, hosting roundtables with local businesses about burdensome taxes that are hindering job creation and working to find solutions to the issues facing our country. With that said, I wanted to inform of the latest news from around our great state and Washington, D.C. Defending States' Rights in President Obama's War Against Arizona This week Arizona Governor Jan Brewer issued an executive order to deny benefits to illegal immigrants under President Obama’s deferred action policy. ![]() The federal government is purposefully tying our state's hands behind its back in the struggle for states' rights. During this war waged against Arizona’s right to protect its citizens and manage its border against an unconstitutional, de-facto amnesty program, I applaud Governor Brewer’s action to defend our state’s sovereignty. For more please click here. Breaking through President Obama and Holder's Stonewalling This week, Chairman Darrell Issa of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform filed a civil action in federal court against U.S. Attorney General Holder for failing to provide subpoenaed documents in the Operation Fast and Furious investigation. As the lawsuit mentions, the Attorney General’s conception of the reach of “Executive privilege,” were it to be accepted, “would cripple congressional oversight of Executive branch agencies, to the very great detriment of the Nation and our constitutional structure." You can read a copy of the lawsuit here. ![]() Attorney General Holder has stonewalled Congress for too long. If Attorney General Holder will not cooperate with legitimate congressional oversight efforts, we must act through the courts to pursue justice for those who have lost their lives from this poorly-executed operation. Please read more here. "Standing Up for America's Seniors" This week, I was honored to receive the RetireSafe’s "Standing Up for America’s Seniors Award" for the second year in a row. RetireSafe is a senior-advocacy group, and this award is given to members of Congress who show outstanding leadership on behalf of America’s seniors. ![]() I believe we can honor the promises we made to our seniors. Please click above or here to view my thoughts on Medicare. Congress has a moral obligation to adopt common-sense changes to strengthen Medicare and protect seniors. Aspire Junior/ Senior High School Opening Ceremony ![]() The Aspire Junior/Senior High School brings new hope, and I have high expectations for those who attend, who teach and who work at this new facility. A quality education system which focuses on the needs and success of all of the students is the cornerstone of a better life. That is why I joined Governor Brewer and other officials in celebrating the opening of the Aspire Junior/Senior High School in Prescott, Arizona. Please click to read more on the visit. Honoring the Navajo Code Talkers In 1982, President Ronald Reagan declared August 14th National Code Talker Day to honor the heroic contribution of the Navajo Code Talkers in World War II. ![]() The Navajo Code Talkers had an unbreakable code that played a major role in the Allied victory. For photo credit and more on the code click here. The 30th Anniversary of the National Navajo Code Talkers Day was celebrated this week to pay homage to these brave men who adapted their native language to successfully transmit code that the Japanese could not decipher. Their actions ultimately contributed to victory in the Pacific. Caught in Governmental Red Tape? My office and I are here to help you fight through the increasing red tape and regulations that are tying up Arizona families and businesses. ![]() Here to serve you! Prescott, Arizona office. By contacting my office, we will answer questions and provide assistance with the Veterans Administration and veterans’ benefits, social security, issues with federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, or issues with the Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other federal agencies. Please visit:, or call one of my offices (phone numbers are on the bottom of this email) to voice your concerns. Upcoming: Entrepreneurship Panel Discussion and Roundtable As a small business owner, I understand small firms will provide the most significant impact on America’s economic growth and recovery. That is why I will be hosting an “Entrepreneurship Panel Discussion and Roundtable” and networking opportunity for local self-starters, small business owners and the public on September 7th in Prescott. For more details, please click here. ![]() I spoke with small business owners at a "Stop the Tax Hike Roundtable" in Payson earlier this month. As always, you can follow everything I am working on in Arizona and Washington, D.C. through my website ( on Twitter @repgosar, or through Facebook at Representative Paul Gosar. |
Sincerely,![]() Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. Member of Congress |
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