Friday, June 08, 2012

New Flake Campaign Video Shows How Wil Cardon Tries to Doctor the Truth

New Flake Campaign Video Shows How Wil Cardon Tries to Doctor the Truth

Cardon can’t be trusted to be honest with voters

PHOENIXThe Flake campaign released a new web video today that takes aim at self-funding Senate candidate Wil Cardon’s latest misleading attack ad that uses a doctored photo to depict Jeff Flake and President Obama. The Flake video demonstrates that Cardon, unable to make aconvincing case with real facts, is resorting to manufacturing his own to portray Flake in an unflattering light. It’s dishonest and a reflection of Wil Cardon’s character.


“Wil Cardon’s habitual dishonesty has been taken to new heights,” said Andrew Wilder, Communications Director for the Flake campaign. “You can’t photoshop your own facts and expect voters to trust you.”

The new Flake ad released today exposes Wil’s deception and presents a few inconvenient facts about Cardon that you just can’t photoshop.

VO: Desperate Millionaire Wil Cardon. Trying to buy the election. Trailing badly in the polls.

VO: Now he’s resorted to doctoring photos…because the facts aren’t on his side.

VO: It’s Jeff Flake standing with conservatives, not Obama.

VO: The photo Cardon needed for his attack ad didn’t exist. So he decided to Photoshop it.

VO: Pathetic.

VO: Here’s some photos that don’t need doctoring…

VO: While Jeff Flake led the charge against pork-barrel spending, Wil Cardon vowed to fight for it.

(“Mesa investor Wil Cardon joins race for Kyl's Senate seat’” - Arizona Republic, August 5, 2011,

VO: Wil Cardon…was for toeing the birther line…before he was against it.

(“Flake's foe Cardon less clear on Obama's eligibility” - Arizona Republic, April 22, 2012,

VO: Wil Cardon…failed to file his insurance company’s income taxes, forcing the IRS to revoke the company’s tax status.

VO: Desperate lies. Doctored photos.

VO: Whatever it takes to win an election.

VO: Another card falls…from the House of Cardon.

VO: Stay tuned for more.


Paid for by Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate, Inc.

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