Recently, another PC sent you a complaint about HB2405, said he is a PC in LD6 and complained the bill gives too much the Paradise Valley School District (PVUSD).
I'd like to provide some facts. First, the PC writing has not been active on any school issue. Second, he does not live in the boundaries of the PVUSD. On the PVUSD, we have good Republicans on that Governing Board. The district has consistently managed its budget well and enjoys a very high approval rating with its voters. He also cited his emotional beliefs about the Washington Elementary School District. You only need to look to a good Republican in the State House, Kate Brophy McGee about what the truth is - she served honorably on that school board for some time.
HB2405 does make good common sense! As someone who has
walked neighborhood doors, has made the phone calls and has done campaign fund raising, I can speak with positive authority that some irate guy sitting somewhere in Moon Valley does not constitute opinion leadership on this issue.
Republicans do care about public education and you all work hard to bring thoughtful fiscal consideration during tight budget cycles.
Those Republican school moms in our North Valley districts are critical votes to keeping good Republicans not only in the Legislature, but also on our school boards. I ask you to take a look to the contrary of these emotional emails.
We have not funded school facilities in years. HB2405 allows school districts to take more responsibility for these facilities - plus this will allow them to go to the State Constitutional limits - no extra consideration. This bill drives down to local voter level the decision process - which puts more of the school funding issues in local control - fully in keeping with our Republican philosophy of local control of our public schools.
Finally, I want to end on a positive about the Paradise Valley Unified School District. My school district tax bill has gone down, not up. As a conservative Republican State Committeeman that was the volunteer campaign consultant for FOUR successful Republican races in 2010, I think I can best report to you on this matter with facts and in best interest of your caucus.
Thanks to each of you for your service to Arizona!
Very respectfully yours,
Jon C. Altmann
LD11 PC/State Committeeman
Senior Chief Intelligence Specialist
U.S. Navy (Ret.)
"Leadership is not for the risk adverse "
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