Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today In The Washington Examiner March 15, 2011

Byron York - Unions vs. the little guy in Wisconsin recall fight

Local and national labor organizations, enraged by the successful Republican effort to limit the collective bargaining powers of public employees unions, are pouring money and manpower into petitions to recall GOP state senators. At the same time, Republican drives to recall runaway Democrats, while rich in volunteer spirit, are working with far less money and organized support.

Susan Ferrechio - GOP now battling its own right wing over budget

No closer to a deal with Democrats on a long-term budget, House Republican leaders on Monday started losing the support of their own conservative members for a three-week funding measure needed to stave off a government shutdown and give the two parties time to work out that long-term spending plan.

Sara Carter - Money may talk in averting a diplomatic crisis in Pakistan

A Pakistani provincial high court Monday declined to rule on whether CIA contractor Raymond Davis has diplomatic immunity -- a move several Pakistani and U.S. officials told The Washington Examiner may be designed to buy time for a financial solution to a diplomatic crisis.

Brian Hughes - Obama in Arlington to press for more school money

"Now, after a decade of deficits, there isn't a lot of money to go around," he said. "I understand that ... we can't be reckless and we can't be irresponsible about how we cut. Let me make it plain: We cannot cut education. We can't cut the things that will make America more competitive."

Timothy P. Carney - Scandal-plagued nuke power giant underwrites Obama re-elect to the tune of $10 million

Duke Energy is the biggest nuclear power company in America. It is also one of the most vocal advocates of an Al Gore-style cap-and-trade scheme for greenhouse gasses, and the company's CEO, Jim Rogers, thinks the company will profit from cap-and-trade. Read More

David Freddoso - Understanding what's happened with Japan's nuclear plants

When you hear about "meltdowns" and "hydrogen explosions" and damage to the buildings housing nuclear reactors, it's hard to the layman to know exactly what's going on and what the dangers are. Read More

David Freddoso - Dems plot their rebound, 140 characters at a time

From Roll Call: Democrats are hoping they’ve found a secret weapon for winning back the House in 2012: Twitter. House Democrats say that while they may be outnumbered, they stand to come out ahead by becoming more savvy to social media to stay more directly connected to the public. Read More

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