Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Don't Drink & Drive - The OTHER letter to Russell Pearce

March 23, 2011

Dear Senator Russell Pearce,

I am inKLEINed to write you about an event that occurred to me. I currently work and live in the Northwest Valley area that includes Peoria, Phoenix, Anthem and Glendale.

As I was driving west on the Loop 101 freeway one evening, I noticed a car swerving across the lanes at what looked like 100 mph. I made sure to steer clear of this suspicious driver and her vehicle. After fearing for my life and that of my Hispanic wife and children, I exited the freeway and got back on a few minutes later.

As I anticipated my exit towards Northbound I-17, I saw a police vehicle had pulled over the dangerous driver that ran up along side my family. I slowed way, way down.

The female driver was in her vehicle talking to the officer, while his light shone brightly in her face. She looked like someone’s mother or grandmother. I won’t ever forget her face.

Imagine my surprise last summer, when I received Republican political mailers with that same drunk driver plastered all over them! I was outraged! At least, I finally learned her name – Lori Klein of Anthem. Lori Klein wanted to be my next State Senator.

A quick check of Maricopa County records, showed that Lori Klein was arrested for Driving Under the Influence that night in October 2008. She was on her way home to Anthem – another 15+ miles away! Thank God Lori Klein didn’t kill anyone that night. Maybe that explains why she didn’t run for office in 2008 – she was too busy raising a glass instead of raising money. The court records said she pled guilty of the charges almost a year later, in August 2009.

Then she decided to become a politician, like you. The DUI attorney who represented Klein is ALSO an Arizona Republican Legislator, Representative David Burnell Smith.

During her Klein for Senate campaign, several of my neighbors in Anthem witnessed her blowing into an interlock ignition device before her Mercedes Benz would start. Can you imagine a better photo for a political mailer than that?

Why didn’t Klein use THAT picture of herself? Brett Mecum has a lockdown on public use of a booking photo – so Klein needs to get creative if she wants to run in 2012.

Lori Klein is as much of a fraud as wannabe teacher Tony Hill is, Senator Pearce. Even the Democrats have figured that out. They kinda, sorta mentioned it just yesterday. Can’t you at least agree with the Dems, just this once?


Immigration Debate Reignited by Substitute Teacher's Letter:



Anonymous said...

Dear Jesus,

Thank you so much for Lori Klein.


Scott Bundgaard

Anonymous said...

Lori should get a job at AZGOP HQ. It's the trendy thing for criminals to do these days.

Tony GOPrano said...

TOTC, let's hope that doesn't come true. Tommy "Six Wives" just doesn't sound right?