The new Chairman has proved himself to be quite the bridge builder, even going so far as to ... host a fundraiser with Democrats?

What better way to tackle the major fundraising challenges facing the AZ GOP than by raising money for our opponents?
Oh that's right. In Tom Morrissey's GOP, the only real enemy is John McCain, and "RINOs".
Raising money for Democrats... how truly conservative.
Morrissey is a disgrace. How sad that AZ GOP didn't bother to vet or check him out prior to allowing him to disgrace the party. Time and facts will prevail....
.Various blogs and news reports have tried to discredit and cast doubt upon me and the fact of Morrissey's 5 marriages being the least of it... as you've for whatever reason placed your support/belief in Tom (Mr. Tea Party) and his delusions of grandeur.. HA!!
Time and truth will tell & prevail... To the ignorants who failed to do your homework...keep on keeping on and be prepared to take a fall alongside of your 'false witness'.
Lord help AZ and your political agenda... For those of AZGOP... you're on a sinking slope.. too bad, too sad!
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