Wednesday, February 16, 2011

RedState Morning Briefing For February 16, 2011

1. Losers Unite!

2. President Obama’s Budget - Debt to Me

3. Mulvaney to Obama Budget Director: Not Credible

4. Why Does the NLRB Need More Money to Push Its Job-Killing Union Agenda?

1. Losers Unite!

Are you a loser? If you are the Heritage Foundation, Media Research Center, Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, the American Principles Project, Jim DeMint, Jim Jordan, Rush Limbaugh (given his comments yesterday on CPAC), and others — you are losers.

Grover Norquist says so. Norquist, last week, called those who chose not to participate in CPAC and those who share those views “losers.”

But wait . . . there’s more.

I’m not even going to get into Americans for Tax Reform suddenly opposing an end to the ethanol subsidy on the grounds that it would be a tax hike.

No . . . Grover Norquist is caught on tape praising Democrats’ sympathetic views toward muslims in America and attacking Lt. Colonel and Congressman Allen West for “attacking Muslims.” West, who served in Iraq and was a civilian adviser in Afghanistan, might just know what he is talking about.

But Grover Norquist compares Congressman West to crazy Democrat madman Alan Grayson.

So this gets me thinking.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. President Obama’s Budget - Debt to Me

President Obama’s budget is debt to me. The President’s budget does not implement promised cuts to spending, taxes nor the federal debt. The budget goes in a different direction increasing spending, increasing taxes and triples our national debt by end of this decade. I am not the only one who dislikes the President’s budgetary ideas. The President’s budget has been received on Capitol Hill like a Sputnik in a punch bowl.

It should be clear to all Americans, the President’s budget is debt to me, debt to my kids — debt, debt, debt.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Mulvaney to Obama Budget Director: Not Credible

Rep Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina’s fifth district points out what many are starting to realize: These numbers just aren’t realistic.

Mulvaney alleges results oriented accounting and said that the President’s budget is “not a credible document.” Mulvaney says “two years ago he told us the deficit this year would only be $900 billion dollars in his budget. Last year he told us the deficit this year would be $1.3 trillion dollars. Yesterday he told us it was $1.6 [trillion]. Two years ago he told us that the projected that the budget deficit next year would be $557 [billion]. Last year he told us that number would be $829 [billion]. Now he is telling us the number is going to be $1.1 [trillion].” Mulvaney concluded that “we can’t believe the numbers.” In other words, fool me once — shame on you. Fool me twice — and our national debt doubles in ten years.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. Why Does the NLRB Need More Money to Push Its Job-Killing Union Agenda?

As the nation’s debt reaches 102% of the GDP and the President pushes a $3.73 trillion budget with more government spending than America can afford, there are innumerable ways in which the politicians should be slashing spending, but aren’t. One agency that could use a budget-cutting knife to the heart is the union-controlled National Labor Relations Board.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson

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