Monday, December 20, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner December 20, 2010

Michael Barone - Reid and Pelosi finally get mugged by public opinion

Elections have consequences. The consequences of the November 2010 elections -- and one might add the November 2009 elections in New Jersey and Virginia and the January 2010 special Senate election in Massachusetts -- became clear as lights shined over the snow at both ends of the Capitol on Thursday night.

Establishment Republicans look to 2012: Hatch tacks Right, Lugar defiant

No Republican in Washington is more worried about the Tea Party than Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch. But a few Republicans should be as worried as Hatch, notably Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar.

Susan Ferrechio - Senate rejects amendments altering New START treaty

The Senate on Sunday rescued a new arms treaty with Russia from Republican efforts to amend it in a way that would require the entire treaty to be renegotiated, but whether the Senate can ratify the New START treaty before the end of the lame-duck session remains in doubt.

Hours before defeating the treaty-killing amendment, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., announced he would vote against ratification, which requires the approval of two-thirds of the Senate or 67 votes. Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., a leading voice on arms issues, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., both said they would oppose it as well.

Matthew Sheffield - Manchin skipped controversial Senate votes to attend Christmas party

He may be willing to put a bullet in liberal carbon tax legislation but newly elected West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin is taking fire from Republicans for skipping out on two controversial Senate votes on "don't ask don't tell" and youth illegal immigrant amnesty.

While he had issued statements on Saturday saying that he opposed both liberal-backed bills, Manchin failed to show up to vote against them, choosing instead to attend a family Christmas party.

Byron York - DREAM Act causes ugly breakup on left

On Capitol Hill, Democrats have been using the lame-duck session to try to ram through some key unfinished parts of their agenda. Among them is the DREAM Act immigration bill, a favorite of Moulitsas'. On Friday, Jon Tester, once the darling of DailyKos, announced that he would vote against it.

More Stories

How they voted on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Obama vacation on hold -- but for how long?

Columbia University steals land

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