Friday, December 03, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner December 3, 2010

Byron York - With Dems in a funk, Obama charts a new course

What's wrong with Democrats? Sure, they got their butts kicked on Nov. 2, but they still control the Senate and the White House, and they remain in charge of the vast bureaucracy of the executive branch. So why do they seem so lost?

The party has hated "tax cuts for the rich" for nearly a decade, but now that those cuts are sunsetting, they can't decide what to do. Some Democrats want to stand firm against extending cuts for high-income taxpayers, while others agree with Republicans that the Bush rates should be extended for everybody, even the "rich," if only for a few years. Democratic legislators can't even come together on an alternative proposal to extend all the cuts except for people who earn more than $1 million a year.

Think about it: If today's Democrats don't stand for raising taxes on millionaires, then what do they stand for?
David Freddoso - House passes 'chicken crap,' setting up a game of chicken

House Minority Leader John Boehner has referred to the Democrats' maneuver in bringing up the bill as "chicken crap," but it might be described more accurately as a game of chicken, which Democrats are bound to lose. If no bill passes, Republicans will simply pass a tax bill in through the House early next year, which would apply to all 2011 income. Senate Democrats and President Obama will then have to decide whether to assent, or to let everyone's tax rates go up, including low-income Americans.

Susan Ferrechio - House passes limited tax cuts; GOP cries foul

Despite easy House passage, the tax cuts stand little chance of passing the Senate, where the Democratic majority is much smaller and moderate Democrats seeking to extend the cuts to higher-income earners have far more negotiating power.

Julie Mason - Geithner becomes an unlikely bridge between Obama, GOP

Deploying Geithner to the Hill achieves two things for Obama: It shows he is serious by sending a Cabinet member. And he sends a strong message that Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not speaking for him this time.

David Freddoso - House Dem: Taxes don't matter to businesses

Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., took to the House floor today and asserted that small businessmen don't make any decisions based on tax considerations.

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