Friday, November 26, 2010

The Washington Post Opinions Friday, Nov. 26, 2010

Michael Gerson

Liberals resort to conspiracy theories to explain Obama's problems

An ideological movement at its most cynical.

Charles Krauthammer

The irrelevance of START

What difference does it make how many nukes Russia builds?

Sheila C. Bair

Will the next fiscal crisis start in Washington?

I fear that one will start in Washington.

Edward Schumacher-Matos

Mexico should call in the Marines

Mexico needs to call in the Marines.

Stephen G. Emerson

Can helicopter parents learn to let their children soar?

Our generation needs to learn not to hover over our children.

Christopher M. Schroeder

Dubai, a new locus of entrepreneurial energy

The Middle East could be a center of global innovation.

Jack Markell

What's missing from the jobs, jobs, jobs debate

The jobs debate hasn't been about achieving greater growth.

John B. Bellinger III

A counterterrorism law in need of updating

We need better laws to fight terrorists.

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