Saturday, November 20, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner November 20, 2010

Timothy P. Carney - Now K Street has its own senator: Lisa Murkowski

Murkowski has repeatedly said this week she will continue to request earmarks, justifying them because Alaska is a "young" state (a "young state" that takes five dollars in spending for every dollar in taxes it sends to Washington, according to the Cato Institute).

Murkowksi points out that the Republican Senate Conference rule banning earmarks has no real enforcement mechanism, and says she'll chose Alaska over the party.

But Murkowski's earmarking shows us that pork isn't about helping out the home state as much as it's about rewarding political donors and greasing the gears of the political patronage machine.

Kathryn Ciano - TSA does not perform psychological evaluations on officers, should they?

To become a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent fully empowered to aggressively pat down passengers -- even inside passengers' underwear -- applicants need not pass any psychological testing despite having full federal backing.

Susan Ferrechio - Boehner elected House speaker, Pelosi remains Dem leader

"This is the dawn of a new majority," Boehner told the current lawmakers and new members who officially take office in January, "one that I believe will be humbler, wiser and more focused than its predecessors on the priorities of the people."

The GOP election took place on Boehner's 61st birthday and just hours after learning that the GOP had picked up its 61st House seat after Tea Party favorite Joe Walsh officially unseated Rep. Melissa Bean, D-Ill. Republicans celebrated with a cake.

Hayly Peterson - Four Loko ban spikes drink's popularity

Now Four Loko is disappearing from store shelves faster than ever, said Shashi Sharma, a cashier for A-1 Wines and Liquors on K Street Northwest.

"Just today we sold 10 cases," he said. "I think the news is helping sales."

A 24-year-old Washington man said he had tried Four Loko several times without trouble.

"It gets you drunk -- such as waking up on main streets and not knowing how you got there [or] waking up with your mom in bed next to you, because she was scared you were going to throw up in your sleep," she said. But it's effectiveness and fruit punch flavor keeps her coming back. "It gets you absurdly drunk. And it's funny."

He said he first heard of the drink in news reports.

A 24-year-old D.C. woman who also asked to remain anonymous said her friends hold parties devoted to consuming Four Loko.

"Now, though, I'm getting Facebook invites to Four Loko parties and pre-games, and seeing random Four-Loko-related status updates pollute my Facebook newsfeed," he said.

Julie Mason - White House downplays GOP snub over meeting

"You know, they came to us and said they have some organizational issues that they have to work through prior to that meeting," said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs. "We'll wait a little bit."

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