Monday, November 08, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner November 8, 2010

Michael Barone - GOP poised to reap redistricting rewards

Let's try to put some metrics on last Tuesday's historic election. Two years ago, the popular vote for the House of Representatives was 54 percent Democratic and 43 percent Republican. That may sound close, but in historic perspective it's a landslide. Democrats didn't win the House popular vote in the South, as they did from the 1870s up through 1992. But they won a larger percentage in the 36 non-Southern states than -- well, as far as I can tell, than ever before.

Timothy P. Carney - Ethanol subsidies pose early test for the GOP

Ethanol fuel (especially ethanol distilled from corn) is subsidized in dozens of ways by governments at all levels. Two of the longest-running subsidies -- a 54-cent-per-gallon tariff on imported ethanol, and 45-cent tax credit for every gallon blended with gasoline -- expire on Dec. 31, making them a top priority for industry lobbyists during the lame-duck session.

David Freddoso - 2010: The year when Democratic women lost and were replaced by Republican women in Congress

At this moment, there are 77 women in the House of Representatives (60 Democrats, 17 Republicans), including non-voting delegates from the territories and D.C. In the new House, there will be between 75 and 77 women, pending two late two outcomes. (Based on the current vote totals, the number will be 76.) In the Senate, there are 17 women. The election produced no net change, assuming that Lisa Murkowski wins in Alaska. That's where Maddow left it, debunking the idea that 2010 was "The Year of the Republican Woman."

Ah, but then there are the facts: the female GOP caucus will grow by more than 40 percent in the House, and Republicans added one woman to their caucus in the Senate.

Mark Hemingway - Hypocrite: In 2004, Keith Olbermann said MSNBC’s election office pool was ‘conflict of interest’

And here’s Olbermann’s response:

—–Original Message—–

From: Olbermann, Keith (NBC Universal, MSNBC)

Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 12:27 PM

To: @MSNBC Countdown with Keith Olbermann; @MSNBC Scarborough

Subject: RE: Pool on how wins the elections
Actually, not to be a spoilsport, but on behalf of Countdown, I’ve always thought stuff like this gives a clear appearance of a conflict of interest, if not a practical conflict. Countdown staffers will thus recuse themselves from any wagering on the election.

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