Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Special Thank You Message from Governor Jan Brewer


Special Thank You Message from Governor Brewer November 3, 2010

Thank You!

We did it! Thank you to everyone for your continued support and for your vote in this election. With your help, I defeated my opponent 55.0% to 41.8%! Click here to see the election results.

I want to say thank you to everyone who volunteered their time – attending events, handing out materials, wearing shirts, talking to neighbors, making calls, painting cars, putting up signs, and all the other little things that add up to so much. I could not have done it without so much support from so many friends and volunteers!

Congratulations to my friend John McCain, we have campaigned since September together and now we see the fruits of a united party. Congratulations to Ken Bennett, Tom Horne, Doug Ducey, John Huppenthal, Brenda Burns, Gary Pierce, and Joe Hart for completing the statewide sweep!

Wherever you are, however you voted, whether you are happy or sad, there is a cause you can join. It’s a just cause, worth living for; and as our heroes in the American military continue to prove every day, worth dying for.

Arizona will soon celebrate its 100th birthday. We are a young state, and really just getting started. There is much to be done. To every Arizonan tonight I extend this invitation:

  • Let’s go forward together from here, and surprise the world with what we can do.

Thank you, and may God bless every one of you.

Gov. Jan Brewer
Paid for By Brewer for Governor

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