Friday, November 12, 2010

Senator John McCain visits Kabul for Veterans Day

U.S. Senator John McCain speaks during Veterans Day Ceremony at the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.


US senators including former presidential candidate John McCain attended a Veterans Day ceremony in Kabul. America lost more than 100,000 soldiers after joining the struggle against Germany in 1917.

Senator McCain was also in Afghanistan for talks, Obama's 2008 presidential rival said he was very pleased with the military progress in Afghanistan over the past six months and that clearing operations had only been possible because of the additional troops. Setting the 2011 date would only encourage the militants, he said.

Related Article:

US lawmakers voice concern about Afghan corruption By DEB RIECHMANN

Published: 12:42 PM 11/10/2010

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghan President Hamid Karzai must curb corruption in his government or current gains being made on the battlefield could be lost, a group of U.S. lawmakers warned Wednesday on a visit to Afghanistan.

Ahead of a meeting with Karzai, Sen. John McCain, the senior Republican on the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, said he and three of his colleagues will express their concerns about rampant bribery and graft in the Afghan government.

“We are concerned about continuing corruption at all levels of government,” McCain said. “We know that without addressing this very serious issue long-term success is jeopardized.”

McCain, who was joined at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul by Sens. Joe Lieberman, Lindsey Graham and Kirsten Gillibrand, said the tens of thousands of U.S., NATO and Afghan troops who have been fighting in Taliban strongholds in the south have made progress in recent months, but significant challenges remain.

“Obviously the clearing, holding and securing is vital and what we are hopeful of is that good governance will go along with that,” McCain said. But he added: “Now, whether it actually will or not is yet to be determined.”

The lawmakers arrived in Afghanistan after visiting Iraq. Their next stop is Islamabad where McCain said the four would push Pakistani officials to pressure the al-Qaida-linked Haqqani insurgent network, which plots attacks in Afghanistan from hideouts inside Pakistan — out of the reach of coalition ground forces.

“The Haqqani network continues to operate with impunity and we will be going to Pakistan and raising that issue with the Pakistani leadership,” said McCain.

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