Monday, November 01, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for November 1, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from What if Republicans Win the House?: "More than anything, on Tuesday, the American people will be voting to rein in this massive, unaffordable, out-of-control government. They will be voting to save their beloved country from financial ruin. If they now choose to send Republicans back into the majority, the GOP can ill afford to disappoint them."

Obama is dismantling private health care

Rasmussen: A vote against Dems, not for the GOP

Barone: Obama's economists missed what voters plainly saw

Gallup: Republicans poised to win big on Tuesday

The left-wing election machine: AFSCME and the SEIU

Man begs Obama for money…

On election eve, Harry Reid faces defeat

Larry, you're doing a heckuva job!

In Washington, divided government can be a plus

Fast fools?

Will: What's at stake on Tuesday

David Freddoso's election guide

Assessing Joe Miller

America is at a tipping point

Why Obama and Boehner will never be Reagan and O'Neill


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