Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Can anyone see a pattern here? By HJS


HJS Comments: In our Revolutionary War George Washington knew the importance of the war and that it depended upon each soldier to do his duty from the foot soldier on up. General Washington visited the lines often, ensuring that each soldier knew that he and the rifleman on each side of him were important enough to receive such encouragement. British Major Patrick Ferguson, a sniper, could not believe the man in his sights could be General George Washington and passed up the shot. Bravery takes many forms, as does cowardice, and both bravery and cowardice sometimes have effects that outweigh the moment and the times and the people. The cowardice shown by the British and French Governments in the run up to the Second World War showed us that failure to stand one's ground to avoid a small conflict, can very well lead to a much larger one. They failed to protect one country and because of that lost Europe! The Muslim armies were taking country after country and appeared to be unstoppable when after winning half the world, they attacked Europe. Everyone wanted to negotiate, but Muslims would not negotiate--why should they bother; they were unstoppable. One person, Charles Martel seemed to be the only leader who did not believe they were unstoppable and destined to rule the world. He rode out against them and beat them, saving Europe despite itself. Yes, both bravery and cowardice sometimes have effects that live well after the singular event. Leaders always have to choose what they are.

George W. Bush stood tall and firm in a national emergency and said, "Bring it on!"

With Obama, we hear the door slam and a helicopter warming up.

We know what history had to say about George Washington, Neville Chamberlain, and Charles Martel. George W. has to survive the liberal historians somehow. What will they say about Obama? So far, it may be a footnote.

Can anyone see a pattern here???

Fort Hood Massacre: Two weeks after if happens he puts in a very brief appearance at the post and did not bother to visit any of the wounded nor speak to any of the victim’s families.

Gulf Oil Spill: The week it happened he and family went on a vacation in Maine and one week later vacationed at Martha’s Vineyard. About three weeks after the disaster he goes down to the gulf states for a profiling mission and offering no solutions.

Korean Crisis: The morning that the IDIOT in North Korea announces his country is on the brink of war with us and South Korea, guess what? Our useless leader arranges a pick up basketball game with his family and close friends when he should have been in the Oval office attending to whatever was necessary if North Korea had opened warfare with us and South Korea.

I think it is very evident at this point that he has no concept at all when it comes to facing any kind of crisis, and when one happens, he runs and hides so that he won’t have to make any decisions. One very pathetic individual.

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