Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bush camp attacks 'ridiculous' story - Andy Barr -

NOTE:  This article refutes an article posted on the 'SonoranAlliance' (  that has now 'mysteriously' been taken down:

11/10/10 8:13 AM EST

Former President George W. Bush is denying a report that he once said he would have endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 if the Democrat had asked.

“This is ridiculous and untrue,” Bush spokesman David Sherzer told POLITICO. “President Bush proudly supported John McCain in the election and voted for him.”

A blog post on the website of the Financial Times claimed Tuesday that Bush made the remarks during an Oval Office meeting with British dignitaries, including former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

“I probably won’t even vote for the guy,” the FT reports Bush having said of McCain.

“I had to endorse him,” Bush is reported to have said. “But I’d have endorsed Obama if they’d asked me.”

Some of the anecdotes about McCain’s presidential campaign in Bush’s new book are not particularly flattering, but the former president at no point writes that he would have endorsed Obama.

“I understood he had to establish his independence,” Bush writes of McCain’s candidacy. “I thought it looked defensive for John to distance himself from me. I was confident I could have helped him make his case. But the decision was his. I was disappointed I couldn’t do more to help him.”


Unknown said...


I took the post down because one of our writers did not fact check it properly. I do my best to make sure that any posts are accurate.

Sonoran Alliance

Tony GOPrano said...

Yes I know you did. Accuracy is the key to blogging. Many of the paid media think us bloggers have no ethics. We do!