Monday, November 01, 2010


Dear Friends,

Ben Quayle is running in Arizona's Congressional District 3 for the US Congress. I hope you have had a chance to meet Ben who is energetic, intelligent and will be a strong leader in Washington for Arizona. I am supporting Ben and am excited about his thoughts on the current political environment and his plan to correct the course of our Nation.

I am urging you to visit the polls tomorrow Tuesday Nov. 2nd. Please don’t send in your early ballot if you still have it, just drop it by any polling location on Tuesday. Every last vote will be critical.

There are still many ways to participate in his campaign such as sending an email like this one to your contacts, talking your neighbors or helping with phone calls on Election Day.

Please contact Ben’s campaign manager David French or (602) 492-4236 if you would be willing to help with phones.


Don't forget to join us at the polls Tuesday November 2!
David French
Campaign Manager

Paid for By Quayle for Congress
4247 N. 44th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85018

Democrat Harry Mitchell is fighting for his political survival.

The state party has abandoned him. The unions that have dumped millions into his coffers have learned how wrong their boycott and big government agenda is for us. Now it’s our moment to win this fight for our country.

Speaker Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Congressman Mitchell are on the verge of an awakening - - they have gone too far. Their agenda is driving America down the wrong road.

Our duty to save our country is more apparent than ever.

We are taking back our government. The American People are making their voices heard.

Races like ours in Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District are national targets. And we are poised to win, with your help.

We are in a very strong position to win this fight. But your support today is needed more than ever.

Keeping our get-out-the-vote team in full force is absolutely critical to winning over the next 48 hours. $10, $35, $50, $100, $250, $500 - - even $1,000. Investing in the cause of freedom is the most American thing we can do this November.

David Schweikert is counting on your help for this final push to the finish line.

Arizona has been the hotbed for American politics this year.

SB1070 was a shot heard ‘round the world. We saw far left unions lead a boycott of Arizona, then support a Democrat ticket thinking nobody would notice.

When all is said and done, the George Soros types and far left labor unions will have dumped more money into the Democrat agenda, and failed, than we ever thought possible. Hundreds of millions of dollars!

We have stood on principles…

Limited government, individual responsibility, economic freedom, and free enterprise.

America has always been the land of opportunity. Lets take back our government and revive our economy with pro-growth policies that remove bureaucratic and high-tax barriers to prosperity.

We can win this fight, but the resources we need over the next few hours are going to be key.

It is not too late to invest in victory - - in fact, it is more important today than ever.

Will you help us cross the finish line?

Join our team and make a contribution to help us get there!

David needs your support today more than ever!

Please click here to donate at the most critical hour there is to victory.

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

Kirkpatrick is Wrong for Arizona
From Earmarks, to the Failed Stimulus Bill to Government-Run Health Care Reform

PRESCOTT, AZ –Election Day is tomorrow. News coverage continues to indicate that voters are tired with business as usual in Washington and are gravitating towards the smaller, less intrusive government message championed by Republican candidates. In rural Arizona, voters are resonating with Dr. Paul Gosar’s plan to create jobs and get the economy back on track. In stark contrast, Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick has refused to return her campaign money from SEIU, she has remained silent on her suspicious lobbyist campaign contributions and she has run away from her record of supporting the failed stimulus bill, government-run health care and TARP 3.

“Since Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick took off to Capitol Hill, Arizona’s unemployment rate has increased by 20% and over 30,000 jobs have been lost,” said Gosar Communications Director Stefani Zimmerman. “Arizona doesn’t want someone who is weak on border security, who thinks a bureaucrat can make better decisions about your healthcare then your doctor, and who treats the taxpayer’s money like a blank check. Dr. Paul Gosar will put Main Street first and listen to the people he represents, not run away from them like Ms. Kirkpatrick is so fond of doing.
Why Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick’s Record is Wrong for Arizona:

Shady Campaign Contributions
FACT: It has been 63 days since Dr. Paul Gosar has called on Ann Kirkpatrick to return the tainted SEIU money funding her campaign. It has been ten days since it was discovered she accepted lobbyist money the same day she secured earmarks for them. Why won’t Ann come forward and return the money?

  • SEIU is leading the boycott against Arizona. Rather than stand up against them and call on SEIU to cease their efforts, Kirkpatrick has refused to return the $10,000 they gave her to run her campaign.

  • On April 3, 2009, Kirkpatrick made $4,608,500 in earmark requests for Northern Arizona University (NAU). Kirkpatrick has taken a total of $3,750 in campaign contributions from four lobbyists who lobbied Congress on behalf of Northern Arizona University for a biodefense laboratory expansion. One of those lobbyists, Barry Dill, contributed to her campaign within minutes of requesting these earmarks for NAU.

  • On December 19, 2009, Kirkpatrick secured $1.6 million in earmarks for the NAU Forensic Center Updates projects and that very same day she took $2,000 from three of the lobbyists who lobby Congress on behalf of NAU for this project.

  • On March 22, 2010, Kirkpatrick made $300,000 in earmark requests for Childhelp. Interestingly, Kirkpatrick took $2,000 in campaign contributions from Ellen Riddleberger- the lobbyist that lobbied Congress for appropriations on behalf of Childhelp. Of that money, Kirkpatrick took $1,000 within a week of requesting the FY 2011 earmark for Childhelp.

  • On March 22, 2010, Kirkpatrick made $5,000,000 in earmark requests for the City of Flagstaff and then accepted a campaign contribution from Robert Holmes, the lobbyist who lobbied Congress on behalf of the City of Flagstaff, less than a week after requesting this earmark.

Border Security and Illegal Immigration

FACT: Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick’s voting record stands in stark contrast with the people of Arizona. She does not support SB 1070 and refuses to donate the $10,000 she has accepted from SEIU, the leader of the boycott against Arizona. She will do or say anything on the campaign trail to cover up her record, but the facts don’t lie.

  • Kirkpatrick voted against making it a Class 4 Felony to smuggle an illegal immigrant into Arizona. (SB 1372, human trafficking violations)

  • Kirkpatrick voted against creating a border security fund that would have created a border radar system with cameras. (SB 1273, appropriation; border radar lease)

  • Kirkpatrick voted against denying bail to illegal immigrants charged with felony offenses. (HCR 2028, illegal aliens; violent crimes; bail)

  • Kirkpatrick voted against prohibiting illegal immigrants from receiving state aid. (SCR 1031, public programs; citizens)

  • Kirkpatrick voted against allowing the National Guard to defend the border if a state of emergency is declared by Governor. (HB 2766, national guard mobilization; border; appropriations)

  • Kirkpatrick sponsored legislation to give tax credits to people seeking amnesty. (HB 2847, tax credit; citizenship expenses)

Failed “Stimulus” Bill

FACT: In February 2009, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick voted for final passage of the $787 billion stimulus package.
  • According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the cost of the stimulus package could reach $1 trillion.

  • The stimulus bill that Kirkpatrick voted for included a loophole that allowed AIG executives to receive millions in bonuses after receiving federal assistance.

  • The Washington Times has recently reported that the Department of Energy acknowledged that $2.3 billion of manufacturing tax credits in the stimulus went to foreign firms that employ workers primarily in the countries of China, South Korea and Spain.

  • Stimulus figures and have been “riddled with errors,” such as reporting jobs being created in Arizona congressional districts that do not exist.

  • Democrats told the nation that if the stimulus bill did not pass, unemployment would rise to 9%. Unemployment is now at 9.6% despite the “stimulus” bill.

  • The White House originally estimated that the stimulus would increase employment by 3.5 million jobs, but nearly 3 million jobs have been LOST since its passage.

  • As of June 30, 2010, Arizona’s First Congressional District has received $709,260,804 in stimulus funding. reports that with this funding 3,610.6 jobs have been “saved or created” in AZ-01. That means the cost to save or create each of these jobs was $196,438.48 per job. Meanwhile, the median household income in AZ-01 is $41,997.

Fiscal Irresponsibility

FACT: In April 2009, Kirkpatrick voted for the House version of the fiscal year 2010 budget.

  • The Union Leader called the House-passed budget “the most fiscally irresponsible budget in the history of the federal government.”

  • In an April 5, 2009 editorial, The Washington Post said that rather than making the budget more fiscally responsible, House and Senate Democrats “chose to add more gimmicks and dishonesty.”

  • In April 4, 2009 the Orlando Sentinel wrote that the Democrat’s budget plans “would make massive deficits as much a fixture in Washington, D.C., as the monuments and museums.”

  • On April 29, 2009, Kirkpatrick voted for the House/Senate conference report of the FY10 budget which came to a $3.4 trillion spending plan.

  • Under the final budget resolution which Kirkpatrick voted for, the federal deficit was expected the exceed $1.2 trillion in FY 2010.

  • The final budget resolution also allowed for tax increases that would devastate the economy.

Taxpayer Funded Earmarks

FACT: In less than two years since taking office, Kirkpatrick has requested nearly $100 million in taxpayer funded earmarks.
  • According to Kirkpatrick’s official website, she requested $46,647,000 in earmarks for the FY 2010 year.

  • According to Kirkpatrick’s official website, she requested $44,351,000 in earmarks for the FY 2011 year.

The Prescott Enews reported on her suspicious connections between earmark requests and campaign donations. Click here to read the report:

Government Run Health Care

FACT: In March 2010, Kirkpatrick voted for the Democrats’ final health care overhaul package.

The bill is a vast expansion of federal control, creating a future of epic increases in spending, taxes and regulation.

  • Under the bill, the system will expand government’s role in almost everything to do with health care, from financing it to regulating it to running ever larger deficits to finance it.

  • All Americans would be required for the first time to obtain insurance or face an annual penalty.

  • Employers could face penalties of $2,000 per worker for not offering affordable coverage- although many large corporations such as McDonald’s have been exempted from employer penalties, leaving small businesses to bear the financial burden of the bill.

  • The bill contains approximately $500 billion in cuts to Medicare.

  • The bill cuts Medicare Advantage by more than $100 billion.

  • 7.4 million seniors could lose their Medicare Advantage plans and some seniors will lose the Medicare benefits they now enjoy.

  • The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reported that the package would cost nearly $1 trillion.

  • Under the legislation, the average premiums for those who buy insurance on their own would go up by 10-13%.

  • The final health care bill raises taxes, penalties and fees by $525 billion.

  • Taxpayer earning less than $200,000 a year will pay roughly $3.9 billion more in taxes in 2019 alone.

Kirkpatrick’s Abysmal Record

FACT: Since Ann Kirkpatrick has been in Congress, Arizona’s unemployment rate has increased 20% and more than 30,000 jobs have been lost.


Paid for By Paul Gosar for Congress

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