Thursday, November 11, 2010

AZ Governor JAN BREWER on Veterans Day 2010

Statement by Governor Jan Brewer

Veterans Day 2010

PHOENIX – “You see them walking through airports or train stations or bus stations. They are men and women wearing the uniform of the United States of America. They are coming home after having served, or they are leaving their families and friends and loved ones behind, on their way to defend this country, wherever they are needed.

“These young warriors stand on the shoulders of those who served before them -- in battles and missions -- Veterans of service to this nation whose courage and commitment we honor this Veterans Day.

“From Yorktown to Gettysburg, from Iwo Jima to Korea, from Vietnam and the Balkans to the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan -- members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard have protected us and liberated millions from the threats of tyranny and terror.

“They answered the trumpet’s call to defend the country we all love. They shouldered great unknowns in the darkest and coldest corners of the world. They held fast against ruthless enemies and terrorists.

“Like the new generation of men and women who are fighting for freedom around the world, America’s military Veterans willingly laid the foundation for patriotism with courage, and sacrifice – never failing to do their duty.

“So, to those who ask, “Where are today’s heroes? To those who ask, ‘How do we know America will endure in the struggle against tyranny?’

“I say, you see the answer walking through airports or train stations or bus stations. They are men and women wearing the uniform of the United States of America. God bless them and – especially on this Veterans Day -- the men and women who served before them. God bless them all.”


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