Thursday, October 07, 2010

Yes on 107! Campaign Update

Here's a quick update on the campaign to end quotas, discrimination and set asides in Arizona:

Ward Connerly Speaking at Maricopa County Republican Club about ending affirmative action

 Ward Connerly, President of the American Civil Rights Institute, a national organization that opposes affirmative action racial and gender preferences, will be speaking about the flaws and failures of racial quotas at the Maricopa County Republican Club on Thursday, October 7th at 7 pm.

The meeting is at the GOP headquarters, 3501 N. 24th St., in Phoenix. You are welcome to attend and meet the man leading the fight nationally to end discriminatory affirmative action policies.

Arizona Republic editorial: End Affirmative Action

Last week, Arizona's largest newspaper - The Arizona Republic, surprised some conservative readers by endorsing a 'YES' vote on Proposition 107 to end affirmative action policies. The Arizona Republic is the first major daily newspaper to support ending race-based affirmative action in Arizona. Read the editorial here.

Will University of Arizona President defy law and voters if Prop. 107 passes?

University of Arizona President Robert Shelton told the Arizona Daily Star newspaper last week that he would find "creative" ways to "achieve our goals" in the U of A's admissions policies if voters approve Proposition 107. Mr. Shelton further stated that, if 107 is adopted by voters, he "will not back off one bit" from the university's efforts to promote "diversity" and recruit more women and minorities.

The university's diversity goals, which are posted on their website, include hiring specified percentages of women and minorities. These hiring quotas include goals for women to comprise 63% of new Assistant Director Administrators, 73% of Animal Technicians, and 56% of the Faculty in Fine Arts. Goals for minority hires include 53% of General Maintenance positions and 59% of Supervisors in Service/Maintenance.

Rachel Alexander, Chair of the Yes on 107 campaign issued the following public challenge to the University President,

"President Shelton appears concerned that if Prop 107 passes, the university won't be able to put 'diversity goals' ahead of 'most qualified'.

I bet there's a woman or a 'minority' that meets the minimum qualifications to be president of the university. I challenge President Shelton to walk his own talk and step down for the sake of 'diversity.' His $549,400 position could be given to an affirmative action applicant. Or perhaps he believes that discriminating quotas should only apply to other people, but not to him?"

President Shelton's comments remind some observers of comments made by University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman after Michigan voters banned affirmative action race-based admissions in 2006. President Coleman announced after the election that she intended to ignore voters and continue racial admissions at the University. President Coleman was forced to back off her statement and comply with the law after meeting with Michigan's Attorney General.


Rachel Alexander, Chair
Yes on 107!

Paid for by Yes on 107! Major funding by out-of-state contributor ACRC
P.O. Box 65043

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