Monday, October 25, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner October 25, 2010

Michael Barone - Voters fed up with Obama's big, bossy government

Maybe it's the Obama Democrats who are so scared they can't see straight.

Timothy P. Carney - Obama pushes myth that fat cats favor the GOP

The latest campaign finance figures collected by the Center for Responsive Politics show that most of the top industries -- including the ones Obama constantly demonizes -- have given more money to Democrats than to Republicans.

Byron York - Obama finally learns Declaration of Independence, includes 'Creator'

Suddenly, the "Creator" has appeared in the president's speeches. And each time he discussed the Declaration, "Creator" included, his quotations were met with enthusiastic applause. Barack Obama has learned that Americans like to be reminded of their founding documents -- even the passage that explains the ultimate source of those unalienable rights.

Julie Mason - Campaign provoked random acts of strangeness

The 2010 midterms should go down as the election that brought the fringe to the fore and gave an angry nation an Aqua Buddha and the “Rent Is Too Damn High” political party.

Mark Hemingway - Why Bill Clinton is a much better politician than Barack Obama

Why is Bill Clinton a better politician than Barack Obama? In a word, triangulation. Bill Clinton was always seeking opportunities to emphasize his political independence from Democrats and liberals, particularly on cultural issues. After all, Clinton was the man that brought “Sister Souljah moment” into the political lexicon.

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Morning Examiner: Early turnout looks good for GOP

Weiner: ‘If Grayson wins, America wins.’

Miracle in RI-1?

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