Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner October 19, 2010

Byron York - If Dems lose, Obama will blame everyone but himself

All indications coming out of the White House suggest that if Democrats suffer major losses, the president and his top aides will resolutely refuse to reconsider the policies -- national health care, stimulus, runaway spending -- that led to their defeat. Instead, they will point fingers in virtually every direction other than their own. Come November, it's likely the D-for-Democrat that the president refers to so often will actually stand for "denial."

Sara Carter - Troops chafe at restrictive rules of engagement, talks with Taliban

"I don't think the military leaders, president or anybody really cares about what we're going through," said Spc. Matthew "Silver" Fuhrken, 25, from Watertown, N.Y. "I'm sick of people trying to cover up what's really going on over here. They won't let us do our job. I don't care if they try to kick me out for what I'm saying -- war is war and this is no war. I don't know what this is."

Susan Ferrechio - GOP takeover of Senate possible but unlikely

Thirty-seven Senate seats area up for grabs Nov. 2, but many are already considered safe GOP or Democratic territory or are leaning toward one party or the other. The Senate majority will likely hinge on a handful of very tight races in California, Washington, Illinois, Nevada, West Virginia, Colorado and perhaps Connecticut.

Julie Mason - Parties play election expectations game

When White House press secretary Robert Gibbs went on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday and said, "I think that, come election night, we'll retain control of both the House and Senate," it marked a sharp turn-around for President Obama's chief spokesman.

Mark Hemingway: Unions are desperate for a tax-paid pension bailout

In order to survive, unions need a bailout and fast. This presents a political problem -- if unions go bankrupt, so do Democrats. Eleven of the top 20 largest political contributors are labor unions, and nearly all of that money is spent campaigning against Republicans.

By bailing out unions, Democrats are bailing out themselves.

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