Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner October 14, 2010

Timothy P. Carney - Chamber-backed Dems tagged as pro-Big Business

President Obama has been trying to score political points by charging, in effect, that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is laundering foreign money to steal the election for Republicans.

Trouble is, the chamber doesn't just support Republicans. It has endorsed several House Democrats, vulnerable freshmen who have been buoyed by the chamber's six-figure ad buys.

Susan Ferrechio - Manchin swims against anti-incumbent wave in W.Va.

MORGANTOWN, W.Va - The anti-incumbent sentiment sweeping the electorate this year has proven particularly potent in the U.S. Senate race in West Virginia, where popular Democratic Gov. Joe Manchin is in a surprisingly tough fight to win a seat that has been in his party's hands for a half-century.
Manchin's Republican opponent, businessman John Raese, is viewed less favorably by voters than Manchin, who has the backing of labor, the National Rifle Association, the coal industry and right-to-life groups, and whose job approval ratings hover above 60 percent.

Susan Ferrechio - Manchin Would Eliminate Health Care Law’s Mandates and 1099 Requirement

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Gov. Joe Manchin told The Washington Examiner on Wednesday that if he is elected to the senate, he would first try to fix the health care law rather than advocate its complete repeal.
Manchin is in an unexpectedly tough fight to fill the remaining two years of the late Sen. Robert Byrd’s senate term and has moved to distance himself from President Obama and the Democratic leadership.

Julie Mason - White House at odds with gays on 'Don't ask don't tell'

The Justice Department is mulling an appeal of the ruling, under a policy calling for an automatic defense by the government of existing federal law, regardless of whether it tracks the president's stated beliefs.
But a move in that direction, coupled with an appeal of a separate ruling upholding portions of the Defense of Marriage Act, puts the White House squarely at odds with gay supporters at a time when rallying the base is central to Democrats' election hopes.

Mark Hemingway - Obama: After 54 health care speeches, I neglected “marketing and P.R. and public opinion.”

The president gave 54(!) speeches on health care reform, including a special joint session of Congress and prime time infomercial. And yet, he’s still of the opinion he just hasn’t explained it properly or something? We’re gonna like this turkey any day now

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