Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sens. John McCain and Jon Kyl - Op-Ed: Border-security funding is only a start

October 19, 2010 at 11:41 AM MST

This morning Senator McCain and Senator Kyl wrote an opinion editorial in The Arizona Republic.

The article reads in part:

Border-security funding is only a start

Despite Rep. Giffords' claim, $600 million that Congress OK'd isn't a 'full ramp-up'

U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords recently asserted that the $600 million that Congress approved for border security is a "full ramp-up" and that Arizona is "finally getting the attention we need."

The funding measure she speaks of is a start, but just a start. It's hardly the full ramp-up that Rep. Giffords asserts. It includes just some of the ideas we proposed in our 10-point border plan, including additional unmanned aerial systems, forward operating bases, and an increase in Border Patrol agents (albeit a much smaller increase than we proposed). The $600 million funding still shortchanges a number of border security priorities.

First, it does not fund the highly successful Operation Streamline program, which targets illegal immigrants with immediate prosecution, including up to 60 days of jail time. This program has been fully implemented in Yuma and has dramatically reduced the number of individuals illegally crossing the border in those sectors since its full implementation in 2005.

Read the full article here.

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