Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sen JOHN McCAIN: Less then 72 hours to put an end to the failed liberal Obama-Reid-Pelosi agenda

There are less than 72 hours left in this historic campaign to take our country back and put an end to the failed liberal Obama-Reid-Pelosi agenda. But we urgently need your help today.

Friday night, Senator McCain made one final trip out to Nevada to rally supporters for Sharron Angle's campaign to beat Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid. Saturday, he was in Tucson, Yuma and Phoenix to rally Arizonans to get out our vote and to push Republicans over the top in every single race across Arizona.

But Senator McCain and our Republican candidates need your help. EVERY SINGLE VOTE MATTERS. President Obama and Democrats in Arizona are using every tool they have to win this election. But if we all work to turn out our Republican vote, we can and will stop their ultra liberal out of touch agenda.

We have phone banks going across the state and every vote matters. Please volunteer today by clicking here. Our staff will contact you immediately and plug you in to our Get Out The Vote efforts in your area.

Now is our time! This is a truly historic election. The next 72 hours will determine if we’re going to stop Obama’s spending spree and bring common sense conservative solutions back to Washington. The momentum is on our side, but let’s sprint to the finish line in these last 72 hours. Please get involved today!

John and Cindy thank you for your help and they look forward to sharing victory with you on Tuesday.


Mark Buse
Campaign Manager, McCain 2010

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