Wednesday, October 13, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for October 13, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day about the current unemployment situation: "September marks the 17th straight month that unemployment has been at or above 9.4 percent—the longest period of time of sustained unemployment since the Great Depression. The Pelosi-Reid big government stimulus programs have failed. They have failed the working families of America miserably while saddling our children and grandchildren with a mountain of debt."

The U.S. Chamber's secret donation list

Obama and the Chamber of Secrets

Team Obama takes on the Chamber

Obama's wild attacks on "foreign money" reek of desperation

A war of lies against the Chamber

Cartoon of the day, "Still Buried"

Obama: "There's no such thing as shovel ready jobs"…

So much worse than Carter…

The White House bunker so soon?

ObamaCare blowback

Stossel: Freer is better

Big spending…

Barney Frank in toruble?


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