Friday, October 29, 2010


Doug Ducey is the Republican candidate for State Treasurer!

Doug Ducey is ENDORSED by Arizona Chamber of Commerce:

Treasurer: Doug Ducey

“There are several strong candidates for treasurer this year, but we believe Doug Ducey has the business background and the skills to effectively manage the state’s checkbook and ensure that our state has the environment to attract jobs and investment,” Hamer said.

Tucson Chamber of Commerce:

The Arizona Republic:

Ducey has skills, BEST approach to be state's CFO

The state treasurer doesn't have a glamorous or creative job. No major policies are set here. No big spending decisions are made. The office has the sober duty of holding, investing and disbursing state money.

The best candidate to carry that out is Republican Doug Ducey.

He offers substantial business, financial and management skills, while recognizing the limits of the treasurer's office.

Ducey was chief executive officer of Cold Stone Creamery, where he oversaw a large expansion. He is currently the chairman and chief investor at iMemories, which digitizes home movies.

As a first-time candidate for public office, he is well-suited for a position that is technical, not political.

Ducey has an eye on the bigger picture, but in a low-key appropriate way. He's ready to offer the next governor his insight into business and entrepreneurs as an aid in generating new jobs.

Ducey remains far-better suited to the job of treasurer. He's not going off on flights of fancy about radically changing the state from an office that should be safeguarding our hard-earned tax money.

He will be the prudent chief financial officer that Arizona needs. Voters should elect Doug Ducey as treasurer.

Arizona Daily Star:

For treasurer, Ducey has key qualifications

Republican Doug Ducey is the most qualified candidate to become Arizona's next treasurer.

He has a degree in finance from Arizona State University and is former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery ice cream stores. He's now chairman of iMemories, which digitizes home movies.

The main job of the treasurer is to manage the state's more than $9 billion in investments. The office also oversees banking services for state agencies and keeps track of proceeds from the sale of public lands.

Ducey, 46, says his top priorities would be to prudently manage the state's investments and to bring clarity to the state budget by presenting the numbers to taxpayers based on generally accepted accounting principles. This would include expanding the online "checkbook" started by current Treasurer Dean Martin to let the public see where revenue is coming from and how it's being spent.

Ducey says there's a disconnect between the state Capitol and the business community, and he'd work with other state leaders to improve the economy.

Ducey has the educational and business background to be state treasurer, and we recommend his election on Nov. 2.

Arizona Daily Star

The East Valley Tribune:

Republican Doug Ducey has a stronger business background as the former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery, which is why we’re endorsing him to manage the state’s $10 billion investment portfolio and attract new commerce to the state.

Current Treasurer Dean Martin:

Treasurer Dean Martin Endorses Doug Ducey

by Doug Ducey Monday August 2, 2010, @ 8:03 AM

I'm proud to share that today current Arizona State Treasurer, Dean Martin, has endorsed me as his successor.

Treasurer Martin said, "In my administration we have rebuilt the Treasurer’s office, improved transparency and profitability. However, Arizona is still facing economic uncertainty, and we need someone who will not only continue our work, but has the experience to build on our success. This person is Doug Ducey. He is the only candidate who has the business and finance experience needed in the Treasurer’s office.

"It is Doug’s business-oriented approach that Arizona needs in the Treasurer’s office, which is why I am proud to announce my endorsement of Doug Ducey for Arizona State Treasurer."

Dean Martin has built a solid foundation for success in the State Treasurer's office, and I’m honored to have his endorsement.

Treasurer Martin believes, as I do, that it takes real business skills to manage tax dollars efficiently, and he shares my commitment to bringing clarity to our state’s finances online.

If you, too, believe that a business-oriented approach is right for the Arizona Treasurer's office, I ask you to vote Doug Ducey for State Treasurer either by early ballot or on August 24th.

Newt Gingrich:

Newt Gingrich Endorses Businessman Doug Ducey

For Immediate Release
State Treasurer candidate invited to share vision for bringing jobs back to Arizona at the “Jobs Here, Jobs Now” rally in Phoenix Thursday, October 21, 2010

ARIZONA – Republican nominee Doug Ducey today announced Newt Gingrich has endorsed his campaign for State Treasurer. Ducey will join Speaker Gingrich on Thursday, October 21, 2010 from 9:00 to 10:00am at the “Jobs Here, Jobs Now” rally at Grand Canyon University to address supporters.

“Arizona needs a State Treasurer who will focus on safe and prudent investments and creating private-sector jobs,” stated Speaker Gingrich. “Mr. Ducey has the finance and business background required to do so and will fight to get Arizona’s economy back on track.”

“While my opponent spent this week fundraising in his home state of California, my focus has continued to be getting Arizona’s economy headed in the right direction,” added Ducey. “Voters have a clear choice in two weeks – does Arizona want a lawyer and career politician in the Treasurer’s office, or an entrepreneur who knows how business people think?”

For additional campaign information, visit

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