Saturday, October 16, 2010


Jon Hulburd ignores health care debate

PHOENIX (October 15, 2010) -- Democratic Congressional candidate Jon Hulburd chose to ignore a request to appear at a health care town hall last night sponsored by Arizonans for Health Care Freedom. Hulburd’s no-show is the latest example of his efforts to avoid addressing his support for Obamacare, and his unwillingness to listen to voter concerns in Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District.

The Arizona Republic recently stated: “Jon Hulburd's positions on key issues such as health care and immigration are a mystery. Republican Ben Quayle, speaking passionately and articulately on issues, leaves no question where he stands."

Not so with Hulburd. “This is a candidate who refused under repeated questioning to tell The Arizona Republic even how he would have voted on the Obamacare legislation,” said Quayle spokesman Jay Heiler. “Instead he talks out of both sides of his mouth, saying he likes part of it and dislikes other parts. This isn’t leadership; it’s self-serving evasion.”

Hulburd has also said that stopping Obamacare is a “fantasy.”

Ben Quayle, Republican candidate for CD 3 said, “Instead of bloated government bureaucrats making our decisions, we need to repeal and replace Obamacare and come up with common sense ideas such as promoting private sector competition by allowing individuals to buy health care insurance across state lines, helping the uninsured population purchase health insurance by creating tax credits, allowing tort reform, and grants for states to set up high-risk insurance pools.”

Also in attendance was Dr. Eric Novack, Chairman of Arizonans for Health Care Freedom. “It is critically important that our elected officials stand up for our right to control our health care decisions,” Dr. Novack said. “Ben Quayle demonstrates clear leadership on the need to pass Prop 106, giving Arizonans the right to opt out of Obamacare mandates,” he added.

Paid for By Quayle for Congress

The Schweikert campaign continues to gain momentum. We are stepping up our media buys, knocking on more doors, and calling more voters than any other operation in the state.

Last night, the Arizona Republic endorsed David Schweikert as the leader we need fighting for us in Washington.

This news is outstanding, considering that they are supporting a challenger over an incumbent Congressman. David Schweikert is leading the fight for more jobs, lower taxes, less government, and economic freedom here in Arizona.

Think about what has happened over the past few years under this Congress - - a government takeover of the healthcare industry, union giveaways, Wall Street bailouts, and all the failed stimulus spending. Our Congressman even sponsored card check, putting union bosses before workers.

It’s unconscionable. We deserve better.

David Schweikert urgently needs your help to keep up the momentum. Your investment today is critical. - - Why? Because without the funds to stay on television, Congressman Mitchell, the unions, and the national Democrats will do or say anything to try to tear down David’s character with outright lies, just as they are doing now.

Help protect David's position in this race, and stand up for liberty, free enterprise, and the Constitution.

Click here to help David fight for our shared principles of limited government and government by the People! Sponsor a television ad and help us stay on the air - - your $35, $100, $250, $500, or $1,000 contribution is what it’s going to take.

The stakes in this election couldn’t be higher. We face crippling debt and runaway bureaucracy – bad government that is preventing us from having the kind of recovery we should be having right now.

We can fight this and we can win in just 18 days... But you need to support David Schweikert’s campaign today!

Leading the fight for freedom requires an investment.

Imagine what life will be like if Nancy Pelosi stays as speaker. Even higher taxes and spending, more far left policies, and a model of government that is so far from the vision of the Founders that our children and grandchildren will demand to know why we didn’t stop it.

We are spiraling towards a European-style debt crisis. We can step back from the abyss, but it is going to take the effort on your part to make sure the right leaders are elected to Congress.

Our opponents' pockets are deep. The unions are taking hard swipes at David and we are fighting back on television. But in order to get there, we need your help!!

Help us increase our advertising buy… sponsor an ad for David. Your investment, up to $2,400 individually - - $4,800 if given jointly, is what we it’s going to take to win.

We can stop bad government by electing a leader the Arizona Republic knows will “challenge every penny of spending” and “consider new approaches to longstanding problems.”

As County Treasurer, David Schweikert fought for us. As a small businessman, he creates jobs here in our community. In the state legislature, he championed one of the largest tax cuts in Arizona history, ushered in pro-growth reforms, and led the fight against corruption.

Now let's send him to Washington to fight for us.

Can David Schweikert count on your support in this most critical hour?

Paid for By Schweikert for Congress

Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Putting The Pastor Out To Pasture

A Simple Comparison

Whoa. The Arizona CD4 race between challenger Janet Contreras and incumbent Ed Pastor presents a clear choice--one might even say a stark contrast--between conservative values and an Obama-style uber-liberal agenda. That's almost a given in this watershed midterm elections year of 2010, true, but wait: If you're confused, consider this:

The folks at have a simple, readable, yet comprehensive Q & A form via which candidates for public office can complete as a way to let readers understand "where they're coming from". Thankfully, both Janet Contreras (endorsed by Sarah Palin) and Ed Pastor have participated...and the results are deeply interesting.

Point #1: Representative Pastor's responses are pretty much limited to one sentence replies...regardless of the question that was asked. Janet Contreras, on the other hand, provides in-depth answers which not only involve multiple sentences but, in some cases, multiple paragraphs.

The overall impression of Ed's answers: A fellow parroting the party line...not thinking for himself.

The overall imression of Janet's answers: A lady who thinks...and who wants readers to clearly understand her thinking on the important issues.

Point #2: The questionnaire opens with a few simple "ice-breaker" questions. Simple, yes...but they shouldn't be ignored. In fact, the candidates' answers to one of those questions in particular is absolutely eye-popping.

The question: What is your favorite book (besides a spiritual text)?

Janet Contreras: The 5000 Year Leap. Okay, so I had to look that one up, read a few reviews, etc. One review by S. Peek states,

The premise of the book is that because of the free market system that took root after our Constitution was enacted, the United States literally made a 5000 year leap of progress in the time since then.

Now, that's a mighty positive viewpoint. Gives credit to our U.S. Constitution and at least indirectly acknowledges American exceptionalism. Yay, Janet!

Kirkpatrick Fails Seniors Dependent Upon Social Security

PRESCOTT, AZ –Today, the Social Security Administration announced that senior’s social security benefits will stay stagnant for the second year in a row. At a time of high unemployment and economic instability, seniors are once again left behind by their Members of Congress.

“The reckless policies of Nancy Pelosi and Ann Kirkpatrick are failing our seniors,” said Dr. Paul Gosar. “Ann Kirkpatrick has been a willing participant in the Democrat’s spending sprees that have destroyed our nation’s economy and left our seniors behind. All of their lives our seniors have worked hard and paid into social security so that it would be there when they retire; unfortunately, Kirkpatrick and her friends in Washington have gone home to campaign and left our seniors to fend for themselves.”

Dr. Paul Gosar has a plan to protect the social security benefits that American taxpayers have paid for. First, Congress needs to return the money they robbed from the social security fund and put it in a lockbox so that never again can Washington bureaucrats steal money promised to everyone who has paid into the fund. Next, the Social Security Administration needs to cut down on the bureaucratic waste that cuts into the benefits taxpayers receive when they retire. And finally, he wants to empower small businesses and get America back to work so that people can continue to build their nest eggs.

As a Member of Congress, Ann Kirkpatrick has not called on her colleagues to restore the money they took from the social security fund. Furthermore, she voted for the $2.5 trillion healthcare reform bill which cuts Medicare for our seniors by over $500 billion. Finally, she supported the failed $787 billion stimulus bill, $3.4 trillion budget, and requested nearly $100 million in earmarks which have bankrupted the nation and deepened this recession.

Paid for By Paul Gosar for Congress

Big-name Dem in hot water against unknown but brillant Ruth McClung

  • October 15th, 2010 1:44 pm ET

  • Raul Grijalva is an incumbent here in DC that should be a shoo-in in any election year. The seventh district of Arizona is a majority-minority district with 55% of the electorate being Latino and a 2-1 Democratic to Republican ratio.


    Meet his Republican candidate Ruth McClung. She is a 28-year-old rocket scientist (yes, you read that right) and is within striking distance of Grijalva. The latest poll shows the race within the margin of error, with Grijalva at 40% to McClung’s 38%.

    Grijalva is also the congressman who famously called for a boycott of Arizona in protest of Governor Jan Brewer’s efforts to stop illegal immigration. When McClung entered the race a new phrase was born: "Boycott Grijalva, not Arizona." Grijalva has since backed off, perhaps feeling some political trouble.

    He also tried to distance himself from the Democratic leadership. Grijalva told supporters last
    month that his party should have pushed harder for a public option in the federal health care overhaul, and worked for more job creation in the federal stimulus bill. Instead, it softened the bills in the name of compromise and to help Democrats facing tough elections.

    "What did we gain? The opposition isn't any less intense than it would have been," he said at a campaign meeting.Of course, he failed to mention that he voted in lockstep with the Democratic leadership instead of standing for principle.

    Grijalva is fortunate that his district is heavily Democratic and remains the favorite. But in a year of voter unrest, anger over federal spending and tea party momentum, McClung has the wind behind her sail. Her supporters will simply be more motivated to turn out.

    It does not take a rocket scientist in Middle America to figure out that our country is going in the wrong direction. But since the current leadership is not listening to the people, we could use a few Ruth McClungs here in DC.

    Kelly and Giffords Schedule Three Debates
    Oct 16, 2010

    Oct. 18 - University of Arizona Student Union 7:00 p.m. (Be sure to arrive early, doors open at 6:00 p.m.)

    Oct. 20 - Buena High School Performing Arts Center in Sierra Vista, 5225 E. Buena School Road 5:30 p.m.

    Oct. 22 - Arizona Illustrated program televised on KUAT at 6:30 p.m.

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