Saturday, October 30, 2010


Come to our RALLY this Afternoon!

A get out the vote rally will be held with Gov. Brewer, Sen. McCain, Rep. Shadegg, Tom Horne, and Congressional candidate Ben Quayle.


Saturday, October 30th, 2:30 – 3:30 pm


Quayle Campaign Office, 2205 West Lone Cactus Drive, Phoenix, 85027.

Early Ballot Note:

DO NOT mail in your ballot its too late. Attend our rally on Saturday (representatives from Maricopa County Elections will be present), please take your early ballot to a polling station anywhere in Maricopa County and submit it there on November 2nd(Election Day). For any questions where your polling station is located, please call us at our office at (602) 492-4236. Ballots must be received by the Recorder’s Office no later than 7pm on Election Day and postmarks do not count.


Phone banks are open every day. Come join Ben, Tiffany and other volunteers to make phone calls and canvas neighborhoods. Below are the office hours for phone banking.

October 28th – November 2nd

  • Saturday, October 30th: 9:30 am – 6:30 pm

  • Sunday, October 31st: 3:00 pm – 8:30 pm

  • Monday, November 1st: 9:00 am – 8:30 pm
  • Tuesday, November 2nd: 9:00 am – 7: 00 pm

We are phone banking at both campaign offices:

Campaign Headquarters is located at 4247 North 44th St, Phoenix 85018 and our NEW CAMPAIGN OFFICE is located at 2205 West Lone Cactus Drive, Phoenix 85026.

For more details about how to get involved please contact Ben Stewart at 602.380.9729 or email at

David French
Campaign Manager

Paid for By Ben Quayle for Congress

Ruth McClung is going to win this election on Tuesday!


Paid for By Ruth McClung for Congress

With fewer than 96 hours to go until Election Day, our campaign needs your help to raise $9,600 TODAY to keep up the pressure for the final push - - please take a moment and give in the next few minutes.

Our fight to limit the size and cost of government, protect our community, and defend our economic freedom is waging across the country.

All eyes are on Arizona.

Americans everywhere are counting on us to deliver victory on Tuesday!

The goal to raise $9,600 TODAY is urgent - - we need your help today to ensure that we have the resources to get our message out through television, in the mail, on the phone, and door-to-door...

$9,600 is what it’s going to take TODAY - - your $9.60, $96, $960, or $1,960 contribution will provide the funding required to execute our battle plan.

Every minute counts, so please don’t delay.

The maximum you can give today is $2,400, and if you compare that to cost of bad government over the next few years, the need for investing in this race becomes even more clear. We must save our country.

David needs your support RIGHT NOW. Help us get there by investing in our race TODAY - - not tomorrow, not later on this evening, but right now, so that we have the resources to fight and win.

America has always been the land of opportunity.

Except that lately, we’ve watched our government take us down the wrong path of bigger government that erodes confidence and crowds out private sector opportunity.

We’ve watched our debts and deficits explode from wasteful government spending, the nationalization of whole industries, and bailouts we never thought possible.

David Schweikert will fight for us. He is a taxpayer champion who will lead the fight for common sense, pro-growth policies that create jobs in the private sector.

It’s time to bring some balance and accountability back to Washington, and elect someone who will tirelessly fight for us, and never turn his back on the voters.

Stand up to this Pelosi Congress today, and let’s retire Congressman Mitchell.

Without the resources to fight, we cannot take back this Congress.

Your action today is truly needed.

It is absolutely crucial that you invest in David Schweikert’s race right now!

For Arizona, for our country, for the cause of liberty, we must take back our government.

That requires your support THIS VERY MINUTE.

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

Kirkpatrick Votes with Pelosi, Not Arizona
Gosar Travels the District to Listen to Arizonans

PRESCOTT, AZ –As part of a ten day tour, Dr. Paul Gosar spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday meeting with voters in the White Mountains, Payson, San Carlos, Safford, Page, Casa Grande and Prescott. Voters are upset with Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick’s weak stance on illegal immigration, her vote for government-run health care and her support of the failed “stimulus” bill. As a small business owner and healthcare provider, Dr. Paul Gosar stands in stark contrast to the bigger government philosophy championed by Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick.

“As a small business owner and healthcare provider, I am ready to bring some commonsense solutions to Washington,” said Dr. Paul Gosar. “We need to change business as usual in Washington. Representatives should be held accountable for their votes and engage the people in the decision making process. Ann Kirkpatrick voted with Nancy Pelosi nearly 90% of the time. As a result, we’re paying more in taxes, our nation is deeper in debt and our borders are less secure. It’s time we turn this country around by saying no to a bigger government and yes to empowering small business.”

On Wednesday, Dr. Gosar spent the day in the White Mountains touring Aero Products in Show Low and meeting with voters at the Show Low Senior Center. Joined by Congressman Jeff Flake, voters resonated with their smaller government, more free market message. Later in the day, Congressman Flake and Dr. Gosar met with voters in Snowflake at the Heritage Inn. There they answered questions about how to turn around the economy and create jobs. From there, they traveled to St. Johns and talked to a packed crowd at the St. Johns Chamber of Commerce. From securing the borders to putting Main Street first, voters were energized by their message. Dr. Gosar ended the day in Whiteriver where he met with Veterans at the American Legion. Gosar talked about his efforts in dentistry to help Veterans and the importance of government upholding its promise made to all those who have served.

Dr. Gosar started Thursday in Payson where he answered questions from voters. He spoke about his plan to cut back on spending and put people back to work. From there, he met with the San Carlos Tribe and presented them with an American Flag. As a State Legislator, Ann Kirkpatrick voted against allowing the American flag and U.S. Constitution into Arizona classrooms. Gosar also stopped by Safford to speak to small business owners at a roundtable discussion. He ended the day in Page touring the Navajo Generating Plant.

Gosar spent Friday morning in Casa Grande with Governor Jan Brewer and Senator John McCain. Pinal County has been hit hard by the lack of border security and violence from the drug cartels. Dr. Gosar is a strong supporter of SB 1070 and has earned the support of Sheriff’s Paul Babeu, Joe Arpaio, Larry Dever and Joe Richards. His opponent, Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick, is weak on illegal immigration and border security. In Prescott, Gosar participated in Get Out the Vote activities and visited with voters in the area. Throughout the day it was clear, voters are energized and ready to change Washington.


Paid for By Paul Gosar for Congress

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