Friday, October 29, 2010


Friday: 72-Hour Rally in Scottsdale

KFYI Radio Host Mike Broomhead will hold a barbecue rally at Schweikert Headquarters for Arizona's Republican Victory 72-Hour GOTV program.

WHAT: 72-Hour GOTV Rally

WHERE: Schweikert Headquarters / Scottsdale GOP Victory Office, 4110 N Goldwater Blvd, Scottsdale

WHEN: 12:00-3:00pm, Friday, October 29th

Come sign up to help GOTV this weekend!

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

Grijalva Complains About Outside Money: Is He Going to Return It?

For Immediate Release

Friday, October 29th, 2010.

Tucson, AZ -- Rep. Raul Grijalva has been complaining lately about all the "outside" money pouring into Arizona's 7th Congressional District. Yet today the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced yet another ad buy against his opponent, Ruth McClung. Even Mr. Grijalva's own money is mostly coming from outside of Arizona.

As first published by Politico, Mr. Grijalva recently reported raising $75,500 in a matter of days-with barely 20 percent of that money ($15,400) coming from sources in Arizona.

"It's not surprising that Mr. Grijalva is having trouble raising money here in Arizona," said McClung. "Maybe if he hadn't boycotted his own state, people would still have money to give him."

Mr. Grijalva's recent fundraising does raise some eyebrows. Since he's been so vocal in his objections to campaign contributions from outside of Arizona: when is he planning to return all that cash?



Sam Stone, Media Relations
(520) 822-7162

Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

If you still have an early ballot, you can put it in the mail by this Friday, Oct 29, or take it to your polling location on Tuesday, Nov 2nd. Call the office at (520) 888-8683 if you have any questions. See below for links on information about the ballot measures.

Phone calls: Our personal calls to voters are going very well. If you can help, call the office at (520) 888-8683 or stop by 698 E. Wetmore Rd, Suite 440.

If you live in the Oro Valley/Catalina/SaddleBrooke area, call (520) 825-0334 to help. If you live on the East Side of Tucson, call (520) 321-1492 for information on how to help. In Cochise County, call Kale at (520) 249-7750 to find out how to help.

We are only 4 days away from Victory! Here is Jesse's final campaign video.Click on the image below to watch the message. If you would like to make a donation to support Jesse's message, please click here.


Upcoming Events:

Sat, Oct 30. Day in the Park, Udall Park, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Rd from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Tuesday, November 2nd ELECTION DAY. Polls are open from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Jesse and Giffords recently debated the issues in Cochise County. The audience clearly rejected the liberal agenda of Giffords. The voters know that Jesse's plan to lower taxes and reduce burdensome federal regulations will get the economy moving forward. Watch highlights from the debate by clicking on this link.


Propositions: For more information on the state ballot propositions, click here, here, here (PDF), and here.

Thank you again for your help and support.

Paid for By Jesse Kelly for Congress

ICYMI: “Congresswoman Kirkpatrick: Earmarks & Campaign Donations”

PRESCOTT, AZ – Today, Prescott ENews ran a story in which they independently investigated earmark requests made by Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick and the lobbyists who donated to her campaign. Prescott ENews found that lobbyists donated to Kirkpatrick’s campaign the very same day an earmark they lobbied for was secured.
Here is the article in Prescott Enews:
Congresswoman Kirkpatrick: Earmarks & Campaign Donations

Written by Lynne LaMaster
Thursday, 28 October 2010 12:49

Editor's note: This article is LONG. It's full of more details than you probably want. But, certain topics absolutely require that everything be documented, every detail be followed until the trail is dead cold. This is one of those topics. Some media outlets want to tell you what to think, and expect you to trust them to tell the truth. eNewsAZ sites aren't like that. We provide the facts, the details and the documentation (sometimes found in links), and let our readers decide for themselves. Please, put on your wading boots and slog through this. The information is important.
It's looking like a rainy day, and a mother of three realizes her kids will be bored if the weather turns out the way she expects. Fighting the flu, Mom gives them her credit card and says, "Go buy a movie, and keep it to around $15, will you, please? Just pick something that you can all agree on, ok?"

So, the three children, Mary, Annie and their brother, Joey, walk to their neighborhood WalMart. Once there, they realize they have a problem. The two girls want to buy Finding Nemo, which costs about $15, plus tax, and they don't think their mom will mind the tax. But, their brother wants to buy Legos instead. A heated argument ensues, with the girls reminding their brother that they were supposed to buy a movie, not Legos. Their brother explains that the purpose of buying anything at all is to keep them occupied while it's raining and they can't play outside. Finally, Joey makes this terrible statement, "If I can't have Legos, I won't agree to any movie at all."

The girls roll their eyes, why does their brother have to be so difficult? Finally, the younger sister, Annie, says, "Look, let's buy Finding Nemo and the Legos. After all, we're only spending $15 on the movie, just like she said. It's on her credit card, she probably won't notice, and if we're quiet about it, she probably won't care, anyway. But, if he gets Legos, I think I should get a new Barbie. There's one I've been wanting for a long time."

Mary shook her head, a little annoyed. "Well, I really need a new pair of shoes. If you two are getting toys, I can at least get my new shoes."
Content with their decision, and not astute enough to realize they were stealing from their mom, the children skipped home. When their mom asked what movie they got, they said cheerfully, "Finding Nemo." Nobody mentioned anything about Legos or Barbies or shoes.

If you think of the three siblings as Legislators, Joey just demanded, and got, an earmark to buy Legos, by agreeing to purchase Finding Nemo. Annie and Mary tacked on their own earmarks, too. The children paid for it with money from their mother - who, like taxpayers, is about to receive a bill much higher than she expected for goods she never planned to buy.

About Those Earmarks defines earmarks like this: Earmarks are government funds that are allocated by a legislator for a particular pet project, often without proper review.

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has a list of seven criteria that defines a project as pork, aka, an earmark: "A 'pork' project is a line-item in an appropriations or authorization bill that designates funds for a specific purpose in circumvention of established budgetary procedures." CAGW puts out a Congressional Pig Book, listing projects that meet at least one, but usually two or more of seven criteria.

Here's the CAGW list of 7 Criteria:

  • Requested by only one chamber of Congress;

  • Not specifically authorized;

  • Not competitively awarded;

  • Not requested by the President;

  • Greatly exceeds the President's budget request or the previous year's funding;

  • Not the subject of congressional hearings; or,

  • Serves only a local or special interest.

Under United States Congressional House Rules adopted in 2007, every earmark requested must be accompanied by, "...a certification that the Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner or spouse has no financial interest in such congressional earmark or limited tax or tariff benefit." (see page 11)

Senator John McCain thinks earmarks are corrupt, and has made stern public statements about the subject, "It’s time for earmark addicted elected officials in Washington to make sacrifices and forgo their pork barrel projects and other special deals to help provide our troops with the support and equipment they need."

Ann Kirkpatrick disagrees with McCain, saying,
"While the appropriations process is often criticized, I do believe funding can be responsible and awarded fairly as long as the process is open and transparent... In total, I am requesting $46,647,000 in federal funding for 23 different projects spread out around the district. Every single project I am requesting funding for is listed below for you to review. As part of my belief in transparency and accountability, I have also officially certified to the Appropriations Committee that I have no financial interest in any of these projects." FY 2010 District Projects

Earmarks for Sale?

But, is that statement true? Has Kirkpatrick received a financial benefit from the earmarks she has requested?

April 3, 2009

On April 3, 2009, Kirkpatrick states that she requested the Committee on Appropriations to fund several projects ($46,647,000 worth.) You can see that on her own website on the page titled, "FY 2010 District Projects". She writes, "With those standards in mind, on April 3, 2009 I officially requested that the Committee on Appropriations make funding from the FY2010 budget available for crucial projects in District One."

Among the projects listed are:

Project Name: NAU-TGen North Dangerous Pathogens DNA

Project Recipient: Northern Arizona University (NAU)

Recipient Address: NAU Office of the President, PO Box 4092, Flagstaff, AZ 86011

Project Purpose: Developing real-time forensics array for biothreat agents, which is a crucial component in determining the source of such threats

Request Amount: $2,000,000

Project Name: NAU-Yavapai Regional College Development

Project Recipient: Northern Arizona University

Recipient Address: NAU Office of the President, PO Box 4092, Flagstaff, AZ 86011

Project Purpose: Developing a higher education facility and improving higher education in the region

Request Amount: $2,608,500

Total requested for NAU? $4,608,500

That same day, Barry Dill made a $500 donation to Kirkpatrick's campaign, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website.

This is a little tricky to find the information you might want, so to identify Barry Dill's contribution follow these steps:
Go to:; click on Arizona,

which takes you to a 2nd map, make sure you have Election Cycle 2009-2010 checked, click on Arizona again,

then click on the map portion that says 01.

Scroll down in the chart to find Kirkpatrick and under receipts, click on individual.

Click Show All.

Click twice on the chart heading 'Contributor Name' to sort alphabetically, starting with A. Scroll down to find Barry Dill.

So, who is Barry Dill? He's a lobbyist, and you can find that out at the Lobbying Disclosure website.

To identify him, click on "Lobbying Disclosure".

Under search field, Choose Client Name, and type in Northern Arizona University

Under Filing Year, choose 2009.

Click Search

Click on this number report: 367790001

Report #367790001 shows the following information:

First Strategic was representing Northern Arizona University, from 4/01/09 - 6/30/09. The firm was paid $20,000 in one quarter - that's 3 months - for such representation. Their lobbying activity was in the area of Budgets/Appropriations, and the specific issue is "Appropriations for biodefense laboratory expansion, first generation college students and construction of classroom space." Barry Dill is listed as a lobbyist for this project. Total received by FirstStrategic in 2009: $90,000.

In the Fiscal Year 2010 Defense Earmarks list, look at the PDF page 48 (it reads 489 in the text). There you'll find NAU close to the middle of the page, showing $1,600,000 as the amount secured. President Obama signed this into law on December 19, 2010.

On 12/19/09, according to the FEC website, Kirkpatrick received the following donations:

  • Christine M. Farley, NAU Director of Governmental Affairs - $250

  • Barry A. Dill, 1st Stratgic Political Consultant - $1000

  • Kurt Davis, 1st Stratgic Political Consultant - $500

  • Stephen H. Roman, 1st Stratgic Political Consultant - $1000

Total received in campaign donations from those associated with NAU, on December 19, the day President Obama signed the Appropriations bill: $2750

March 22, 2010

On Kirkpatrick's website, she writes, "...on March 22, 2010 I officially requested that the Committee on Appropriations make funding from the FY2011 budget available for crucial projects in District One."

Project Name: Rio de Flag

Project Recipient: City of Flagstaff

Recipient Address: 211 West Aspen Avenue, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is continuation of flood control construction. This is a prudent and appropriate use of taxpayer generated funds because it addresses public safety and economic development.

Request Amount: $5,000,000

Lobbyist for the City of Flagstaff: Robert Holmes (see documentation here), was paid $20,000 in one quarter. In 2009, his firm was paid almost $65,000 for the year.

Robert Holmes donated $500 to Kirkpatrick's campaign on 3/30/2010, 8 days after she requested the appropriation.

Project Name: Childhelp Mobile Advocacy Center of Northern Arizona

Project Recipient: Childhelp

Recipient Address: 1200 N. Beaver Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is the program expansion and it is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because in improves public safety in rural and tribal areas.

Request Amount: $300,000

According, the lobbyist firm for Childhelp is a firm called Macalliser & Quinn. Ellen Riddleberger-Kunert is the Vice President of the firm, and Andrew S. Quinn is a Partner in the firm. Childhelp paid Macallister & Quinn $326,520 in fees during 2009, and $94,500 so far in 2010.

Andrew Quinn donated $243 in in-kind donations on 3/23/10, just one day after Kirkpatrick requested an appropriation for Childhelp

On March 29,2010 Ellen Riddleberger-Kunert donated $1000 to Kirkpatrick's campaign; only 1 week after she requested an appropriation for Childhelp. . . . .


Paid for By Paul Gosar for Congress

Please mail your early ballot in today!

If you can’t mail in your early ballots today, please come to our RALLY.


A get out the vote rally will be held with Gov. Brewer, Sen. McCain, Rep. Shadegg and Congressional candidate Ben Quayle.


Saturday, October 30th, 2:30 – 3:30 pm


Quayle Campaign Office, 2205 West Lone Cactus Drive, Phoenix, 85027.

Early Ballot Note:

If you can’t mail in your ballot today or attend our rally on Saturday, please take your early ballot to a polling station anywhere in Maricopa County and submit it there on November 2nd(Election Day). For any questions where your polling station is located, please call us at our office at (602) 492-4236. Ballots must be received by the Recorder’s Office no later than 7pm on Election Day and postmarks do not count. In-person Voting is still available until the Friday (October 29th) prior to the election.


Phone banks are open every day. Come join Ben, Tiffany and other volunteers to make phone calls and canvas neighborhoods. Below are the office hours for phone banking.

October 28th – November 2nd

  • Friday, October 29th: 9:00 am – 8:30 pm

  • Saturday, October 30th: 9:30 am – 6:30 pm

  • Sunday, October 31st: 3:00 pm – 8:30 pm

  • Monday, November 1st: 9:00 am – 8:30 pm

  • Tuesday, November 2nd: 9:00 am – 7: 00 pm

We are phone banking at both campaign offices:

Campaign Headquarters is located at 4247 North 44th St, Phoenix 85018 and our NEW CAMPAIGN OFFICE is located at 2205 West Lone Cactus Drive, Phoenix 85026.

For more details about how to get involved please contact Ben Stewart at 602.380.9729 or email at

David French

Campaign Manager


Paid for By Ben Quayle for Congress

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