Thursday, October 28, 2010


Get out the vote rally with Gov. Brewer, Sen. McCain, Rep. Shadegg and CD3 candidate Ben Quayle

WHAT: A get out the vote rally will be held with Gov. Brewer, Sen. McCain, Rep. Shadegg and Congressional candidate Ben Quayle.

Voters can also bring their early ballots and drop them off with Maricopa County elections office officials.

WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 30 2:30-3:30 p.m.

WHERE: Quayle for Congress Northern Office 2205 W. Lone Cactus Drive Phoenix, AZ 85027

RSVP: Please RSVP to or 602-492-4BEN.

ABOUT: Ben Quayle is running for the 3rd Congressional District of Arizona. Ben Quayle is the fourth generation in his family to live and work in Arizona, who is eager to fight for the needs of the Third Congressional District of Arizona and the future generations of this great nation. Ben is committed to stop Washington’s out of control spending habits, take real steps to protect our nation, advocate for dramatic enhancement in our border security and fight any attempt to raise taxes on individuals and private enterprise.

MEDIA CONTACT: Megan Rose, Office of Gordon C. James Public Relations, 602-690-0801

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Paid for By Ben Quayle for Congress

Halloween Is Here, Just Ask Raul Grijalva

Apparently, Rep. Raul Grijalva has been seeing men in masks everywhere he goes. On Monday, Ruth McClung's money bomb raised over $90,000 in one day-all of it from individuals like you; people worried about the direction of this country under the "leadership" of spend-and-borrow progressives like Raul Grijalva.

But Mr. Grijalva is sure there's something more sinister going on. In an email to his supporters, Rep. Grijalva wrote that, "those corporate friends of Ruth McClung's are doing a money bomb for her," dribbling on about some conspiracy involving "radicals on the Supreme Court " and an "anti-government group ".

The only thing we can say is: huh? Ruth owes the success of her campaign to people like you. People who have donated what little money they can afford in this down economy for the hope of a better tomorrow. People who have put up signs, made phone calls and knocked on doors. And while you've been out donating your hard work and time, what is Mr. Grijalva doing? Paying $9-$10 an hour for "Canva$$ers" to walk doors for him and relying on the SEIU to bail him out with hundreds of thousands of dollars of attack ads against Ruth.

Anti-government conspiracies? A radical Supreme Court takeover? Mr. Grijalva needs to put down the SEIU Kool-Aid and take responsibility for the fact that this election is about his extreme disregard for the people of Arizona. "There are no masked men here, Mr. Grijalva, just thousands of fed-up citizens who have donated an average of $83 each to take back their country," said Ruth McClung.

"With only five days left until the election, we have to come together, put in that extra effort and make sure all the people of Southern Arizona have their voices heard," continued McClung. "This election is about philosophies. My philosophy of lower taxes, more jobs and strength through unity is what Arizona needs right now."

It's time for one last push. If you haven't already, contact Juanita at to get involved. Donate anything else you can. Talk to your neighbors. Give someone a ride to the polls. Whatever you can do will be appreciated. (But, sorry, we can't pay you to do our walking).



Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

Jesse Kelly for a Strong America


Visit for more information. Jesse supports lower taxes and a free-market economy. Kelly supports policies that we free up the American people to get back to work.

Paid for By Jesse Kelly for Congress

Harry Mitchell Lie Buster

Rep. Harry Mitchell tells the public that every bill he has introduced has had a Republican cosponsor

(Scottsdale, AZ) Congressman Harry Mitchell continues to tell the public that "I haven't introduced a bill in Congress without a Republican co-sponsor."

This would be nice, if it were true.

Three bills had no Republican co-sponsor or no co-sponsor at all: HR 5474, 2/19/2008; HR 5651, 3/14/2008; and HR 4977, 3/25/2010.

In their endorsement of David Schweikert two weeks ago, the Arizona Republic said, “it’s time for a change.” Mitchell voted ‘yes’ for bailouts, ObamaCare, and the failed stimulus. He even sponsored card check. “That puts him at odds with the district.”

“Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District deserves a U.S. Representative that represents us with independence and balance. They also deserve someone who will tirelessly work on their behalf and will never mislead them,” said Schweikert campaign manager Oliver Schwab. “David Schweikert is someone who both understands the mechanics of how to get things done and also has the courage and conviction to take on difficult challenges.”


Arizona Republic Debate, Tempe City Council Chambers, 10-12-2010.

SRP Picnic, Papago Park, 10-9-2010.

“Bipartisan solutions are needed to end political games,” Arizona Republic, 4-9-2010.

“Send Schweikert to Washington,” Arizona Republic, 10-15-2010

"Mitchell, Schweikert in battle for Congressional District 5 seat," East Valley Tribune, 10-23-2010.

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

Dr. Gosar Continues His District Tour in Payson, Safford and Page
Tours the District to Highlight his Plan to Bring Jobs Back to Rural Arizona

PRESCOTT, AZ – With less than week to go before the November Election, Dr. Paul Gosar is hitting the road to talk to voters about his plan to create jobs and clean-up Washington. Unemployment has increased by 20% under Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick’s “leadership” and more than 30,000 jobs have been lost in Arizona’s First Congressional District since she took office.

Thursday, October 28th

7:30am: Dr. Gosar will talk to voters and answer questions at a breakfast “Meet and Greet”
260 Café
803 E. State Highway 260
Payson, AZ

2:30pm: Dr. Gosar will talk to small business owners at a roundtable discussion

City of Safford Annex Building
808 S. 8th Ave.
Safford, AZ

5:00pm: Dr. Gosar will tour the Navajo Generating Plant
Navajo Generating Plant
6000 Highway 98
Page, AZ

All events are open to the press. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Stefani Zimmerman at 920-915-5323.


Paid for By Paul Gosar for Congress

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