Thursday, October 21, 2010


View Ben Quayle’s New TV Ad


Dear Supporter:

We thought you would like to see the current television spot from Quayle for Congress. You can watch it here: Send it to your friends and urge them to vote.

The past two years Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi have fundamentally changed our country for the worse. The choice is simple; if you approve Jon Hulburd’s views on supporting ObamaCare, costly “Cap & Trade” energy policy, stripping American workers of their right to a secret ballot, earmarks, and massive tax increases to pay for it all, then he’s your choice. However, if you support limited government and pro-growth economic policies that will restore freedom, drive entrepreneurship and create jobs, then it’s Ben Quayle.

As Ben’s opponent continues to run his smear campaign and talk out of both sides of his mouth, he’s now confirmed once again that he intends to vote for Nancy Pelosi — who has given his campaign $4,000 — as Speaker of the House.

Of course, he once again tries to have it both ways, saying he will vote for Pelosi if she promises to represent the best interests of his district. Yes, and we all will vote for Barack Obama if he promises to repeal Obamacare, makes the current tax rates permanent and stops threatening the American people with ever bigger government and American businesses with ever higher costs, starts developing domestic energy sources and apologizes to Americans for having apologized for our country all over the world.

Ben’s opponent in this race has been sued twice, for both fraud and defamation. He doesn’t have a record; he has a pattern of behavior, and the same pattern of behavior has shown itself throughout his campaign. He’s another Pelosi liberal who’s dishonest in his ads, campaigns behind a mask and can’t give straight answers to simple questions.

If you oppose Nancy Pelosi and Obama’s failed policies please make your voice heard and vote Quayle.

David French

Campaign Manager

Paid for By Ben Quayle for Congress

McClung Scores Points in Rio Rico Forum
For Immediate Release
Wednesday, October 20, 2010.

Rio Rico, AZ - Approximately 200 people attended a candidate forum tonight between fast-rising Republican challenger Ruth McClung, Incumbent Democrat Raul Grijalva and Independent Harley Meyers. The forum, held at Rio Rico High School and sponsored by by the Green Valley News, Nogales International and others, offered few surprises--but showed yet again why Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Raul Grijalva is in a fight for his political life.

Rep. Grijalva continued to try and defend his abysmal extremist voting record, and his call for a boycott of his home state.

Meanwhile, McClung scored points on lowering taxes, increasing science and technology jobs in Arizona, protecting social security and securing our borders against illegal drug and human smuggling.

The prepared questions from the moderators and a format that didn't allow for any rebuttals made for an often subdued and predictable exchange between the candidates. Still, McClung scored points throughout the debate, contrasting her sensible solutions and job-friendly policies against Mr. Grijalva's tired rhetoric of bigger government and more spending.

The most interesting parts of the evening occurred off-stage. Prior to taking the platform, Rep. Grijalva walked slowly around the room by himself, head down, greeting a few familiar faces in a subdued and oddly discomfited manner. When the questions were over, Mr. Grijalva quickly gathered his campaign team and left the facilities, barely acknowledging the voters who came there to support him.

McClung, as usual, demonstrated her ability to connect with individuals who would never have come out to vote for a Republican before. She was mobbed by supporters and curious newcomers alike before her trip to the stage, then stayed around for more than 30 minutes after the debate chatting and exchanging ideas with the crowd.

One young Hispanic woman who had earlier challenged McClung on her ideas for a stepped flat-tax structure to replace our broken income tax system quickly caught Ms. McClung as she was leaving the stage to learn more and offer her support. Another woman, a self-described "life long Democrat" also proclaimed her support for Ruth, adding that, "He (Grijalva), doesn't represent us anymore. "

Well, ma'am, not after November 2nd anyway. Rio Rico is a few miles from Arizona's border with Mexico, and is normally safe Grijalva territory--probably why he agreed to the debate there after ducking out of a public contest in the more heavily Republican Yuma area. But not tonight.

Proving once again that her reach extends into every community and corner of Arizona's 7th Congressional District, McClung won over the crowd with her sincerity and thoughtful demeanor.

"This race is about uniting people. Not tearing them apart," McClung said. "They (the federal government) want to divide us: rich from poor, men from women. But together we're strong. That's what this race is about, coming together to solve our (problems)--and we can."



Sam Stone, Media Relations

(520) 822-7162

Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

The Pelosi liberals, labor unions, and Congressman Mitchell’s Democrat party want a fight in Arizona. And that is exactly what we are giving them.


With just 12 days to go, the pressure is on to win this election.

The poll numbers are encouraging, but we cannot win this fight alone. Our campaign just weathered the onslaught of millions in union attacks. You can be guaranteed they are loading for the next round. We don’t have a choice - - if we want to win, we need to stay on television with our powerful message.

Please call 480-302-4872 and donate, or click here to give online with your credit card. Without the funds to stay on television through the final week of this campaign, we could lose this seat to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats - - we cannot let that happen.

David Schweikert is counting on you today.

If you’ve been waiting for the right time, don’t delay another minute. If you want to win, now is the day you must engage.

This campaign urgently needs your help to stay on television.

  • $4,800 is the maximum you can give jointly

  • $2,400 is the maximum you can give individually

  • $1,000 is an investment that makes you one of our top supporters

  • $500 helps keep our ad running strong the final week

  • $250 keeps up that pressure

  • $100 is a crucial show of support at this critical hour

Your investment today will make the difference.

Can David Schweikert count on you today to deliver victory in the final week?

The future of our country is at stake in this race - - we do not win back the U.S. House of Representatives without this seat.

Deliver the message to Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Congressman Harry Mitchell… it’s time to take back our government.

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

Kirkpatrick’s Illegal Pay to Play Connections
Kirkpatrick Earmark Requests tied to Suspicious Lobbyist Donations

PRESCOTT, AZ –First, Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick took $10,000 from SEIU, the group leading the boycott against Arizona, and for 53 days has ignored requests to return the money. Now we find out that Kirkpatrick accepted campaign donations from lobbyists on the very same day she made earmark requests for their pet projects. Voters in Arizona’s First Congressional District deserve to know why Ann Kirkpatrick is accepting tainted money.

“It didn’t take very long for Ms. Kirkpatrick to be bought by the special interests financing her campaign,” said Gosar Communications Director Stefani Zimmerman. “We already know that she’s weak on securing the border from her record in the State Legislature so it’s no surprise she accepted thousands of dollars from SEIU. BUT, it is shocking that she would accept campaign donations from lobbyists within minutes of requesting the earmarks they lobby on behalf of. This is the kind of corruption you expect from Chicago politicians, not rural Arizona. It is possible that Ms. Kirkpatrick violated House ethics rules. The days of trading taxpayer money for campaign contributions should come to an end. The timing of these donations and earmark requests need to be investigated.”

Here are the facts:

  • On April 3, 2009, Kirkpatrick made $4,608,500 in earmark requests for Northern Arizona University (NAU). Kirkpatrick has taken a total of $3,750 in campaign contributions from four lobbyists who lobbied Congress on behalf of Northern Arizona University for a biodefense laboratory expansion. One of those lobbyists, Barry Dill, contributed to her campaign within minutes of requesting these earmarks for NAU.

  • On December 19, 2009, Kirkpatrick secured $1.6 million in earmarks for the NAU Forensic Center Updates projects and that very same day she took $2,000 from three of the lobbyists who lobby Congress on behalf of NAU for this project.

  • On March 22, 2010, Kirkpatrick made $300,000 in earmark requests for Childhelp. Interestingly, Kirkpatrick took $2,000 in campaign contributions from Ellen Riddleberger- the lobbyist that lobbied Congress for appropriations on behalf of Childhelp. Of that money, Kirkpatrick took $1,000 within a week of requesting the FY 2011 earmark for Childhelp.

  • On March 22, 2010, Kirkpatrick made $5,000,000 in earmark requests for the City of Flagstaff and then accepted a campaign contribution from Robert Holmes, the lobbyist who lobbied Congress on behalf of the City of Flagstaff, less than a week after requesting this earmark.


Paid for By Paul Gosar for Congress
Gabrielle Giffords abandoned Arizona


Here it is, our most recent ad. Gabrielle Giffords won't discuss her record of bankrupting America, forcing more new federal programs on us, and doing nothing to secure the border. We need your help to keep our ad on the air. Can you send $25 or even $10 today. We are planning our final ad buy so this will be our final Money Bomb. Your donation will determine if we have the resources to reach voters with the real Giffords record. The race is a toss-up and your donation will help us achieve victory in 12 days. Please donate now.

If you like the ad, please remember to donate to keep it on the air.

Town Hall in Green Valley with Senator John McCain, Governor Jan Brewer and Jesse Kelly. Green Valley West Social Center, 1111 S. Via Arcoiris, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Directions: from I-19 go west on Continental Road. Then turn north on Calle de las Casitas.

Check the campaign calendar for more great events.

Early ballots: If would like to vote early and have not yet received your ballot in the mail, this Friday is the last day to request a vote by mail ballot. Please contact your County Recorder by Friday afternoon.

Pima County - (520) 740-4330

Pinal County - (520) 509-3555

Cochise County (520) 432-8354 or (520) 432-8358.

Santa Cruz County - (520) 375-7990

Please forward this message to your friends and tell them that this race is key to taking back Congress in 2 weeks.

Thank you again for your help and support.

Paid for By Jesse Kelly for Congress


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