Wednesday, October 20, 2010






Arizona Technology Council Endorses Ruth McClung

Wednesday, October 20th 2010
For Immediate Release

Tuesday, Oct 19th. Tucson, AZ - Ruth McClung was thrilled today to accept the endorsement of the Arizona Technology Council for Arizona's 7th Congressional District. Ms. McClung is the first federal candidate ever endorsed by the Arizona Technology Council, which represents over 500 businesses employing more than 85,000 individuals in Arizona's high-tech industry.

According to their release:

McClung' s educational and work background as a physicist at a local engineering company provides her with an advantage in advancing Arizona' s technology sector.

"Ruth is an exceptionally accomplished individual that has a keen understanding of the science behind some very important issues such as energy, the environment, technology, defense, and national security," said Steven G. Zylstra, president and CEO of the Arizona Technology Council. "Her ability to recognize that technology and related industries is the engine that will fuel our future economic growth makes her an ideal candidate to serve our state. We need more like Ruth in Congress."

"We have people in Washington D.C. who create problems, others who see them, but can do nothing," said David Crowe, President, Tucson Embedded Systems. " There are very few politicians with science or technical degrees. Ruth McClung has the background, training and practical experience to actually find solutions and solve problems."

The Public Policy Committee of the Arizona Technology Council focuses on issues and initiatives that accelerate technology-related public policy, and legislation in Arizona affecting the growth and development of the technology industry. These include technology commercialization and development; workforce development; supply-chain development; and capital formation. The committee, along with Council professionals, work with legislators, elected officials and policy makers at all levels of government, to educate them on the value and promise of the technology industry.

"I don't want to trivialize all the other great endorsements I've earned lately," a glowing McClung said shortly after the announcement, "but this is probably the one I'm most proud of. Because of my background, my work, and my commitment to developing Arizona's high-tech sector going forward into the future, the endorsement of the Arizona Technology Council is really special to me. These industries and the high-paying jobs they provide are the future of Arizona. For them to recognize me as the right person to lead that charge in Washington, that's pretty special."



Sam Stone, Media Relations

(520) 822-7162

Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

For Immediate Release – October 20, 2010

Contact: Oliver Schwab, Campaign Manager • 480.302.4872

Independent Poll Shows Schweikert in Lead

The Hill poll shows voters not buying Mitchell’s false attacks

(Scottsdale, AZ) Today, The Hill released a poll showing Republican David Schweikert continuing to lead (45-42) against liberal Democrat Congressman Harry Mitchell.

With just 13 days until Election Day, Congressman Mitchell remains mired in the low 40’s despite spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on attack ads against David Schweikert.

“This is a good sign going into the last two weeks of the campaign,” said Schweikert for Congress campaign manager Oliver Schwab. “Given the amount of mud thrown at us by Mitchell, the DCCC, and Mitchell’s liberal labor union allies, it’s good to see that voters aren’t buying these false and misleading attacks.”

This is the latest in a series of positive developments for the Schweikert campaign. In the last FEC reporting period, the Schweikert campaign outraised the Mitchell campaign and is in a strong position to continue to get it’s message out in the last two weeks of the campaign.

Also of considerable note, the Arizona Republic endorsed David Schweikert over incumbent Congressman Harry Mitchell.

“There is no question this will be a close race until the end,” continued Schwab. “But it’s clear that voters want their next Congressman to be a committed fiscal conservative like David Schweikert, and not a liberal like Harry Mitchell who is willing to sponsor card check and vote for bailouts, failed stimulus plans and ObamaCare."

The Hill’s poll was conducted Oct. 12-14 and consisted of 408 phone interviews of likely voters.


Paid for By Schweikert for Congress

Mayor Rudy Giuliani Endorses Dr. Paul Gosar

PRESCOTT, AZ –Mayor Rudy Giuliani has endorsed Dr. Paul Gosar, citing his background in small business and ability to stand up to liberals like Nancy Pelosi. With an expanding federal government and unsustainable national debt, Giuliani stressed the importance of electing fiscally responsible individuals like Gosar. Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick has stood lock-step with Nancy Pelosi on big spending bills that have contributed trillions to the debt and bankrupted the nation.

“We need to elect Dr. Paul Gosar to the U.S. House,” said Mayor Rudy Giuliani. “The federal government is on a dangerous path. If we don’t rein in spending now, soon we will be paying more on the interest on the debt then we do on our national security. Dr. Gosar is committed to cutting back on wasteful spending, securing the borders and stopping the government’s overreach into our lives.”

 “It is an honor to have Mayor Giuliani’s support,” said Dr. Paul Gosar. “Our nation is a better and stronger place because of his leadership. The national debt is a threat to our national security and we need to tackle this problem head on before it is too late. We need to rein in wasteful spending, force the government to live within its means and provide a platform for small businesses to create jobs and grow the economy.”
Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick has championed the policies of Nancy Pelosi and has betrayed Arizona’s First Congressional District by voting for the $787 billion failed stimulus bill, the $3.4 trillion budget, TARP 3, government-run health care reform and requesting nearly $100 million in taxpayer funded earmarks. In this deepening economic recession, Arizona is looking for solutions, not more broken promises from out-of-touch politicians in Washington.

Dr. Paul Gosar’s message of reining in wasteful spending and creating jobs by empowering small businesses continues to resonate with the people of Arizona. As a small business owner himself, Dr. Gosar understands how to create jobs and operate on a budget. He has enjoyed meeting with voters across the District who share his belief that his background and his experience in rural Arizona’s way of life have positioned him well to defeat Rep. Kirkpatrick in November.


Paid for by Gosar For Congress

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