Friday, October 15, 2010


Send Schweikert to Washington

Oct. 15, 2010 12:00 AM

The Arizona Republic

Ignore all that mud smeared across your television screen and splattered in your mailbox. Rep. Harry Mitchell and David Schweikert are honorable men who want the best for this country. They simply have different ideas about what that means.

The two face off for the second time to represent Congressional District 5, which stretches from Fountain Hills and Scottsdale through Tempe, west Mesa and parts of Chandler to Ahwatukee Foothills. Mitchell won in 2008, boosted by the Obama wave

The Democrat has built an admirable record, particularly on veterans' issues. He has resisted the partisan upmanship that paralyzes Congress, with a Republican co-sponsor on every bill he introduced. Mitchell's voting record is moderate, however much Schweikert wants to paint him as a Nancy Pelosi-lapdog liberal. (Mitchell won the endorsement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, no friend of the Obama administration.)

Mitchell was the right person to represent this district for the past four years. But to confront the challenges ahead, a change is needed. Schweikert, a Republican, has the talents and outlook that will be needed in the next Congress.

Schweikert, a former Maricopa County treasurer, is a financial guy. He enjoys poring over a spreadsheet the way most people dive into a good novel. What's more, he's a deficit hawk. After the budget excesses of the past 10 years, we need people in Congress who will challenge every penny of spending.

Schweikert also is willing to consider new approaches to longstanding problems. Social Security, for instance, continues to stumble toward insolvency because re-election-minded politicians are afraid to make tough decisions.

Mitchell says the system is just fine. Schweikert recognizes that unpopular changes will be necessary to save it.

And then there is the health-care bill. Mitchell, in talks around the district while the bill was being debated, displayed conflicting feelings about the bill and opposition to some portions of it. District residents mostly opposed it. Still, Mitchell voted for the bill, a vote he continues to defend.

That puts him at odds with the district. Schweikert, who vows to join Republican efforts to defund the law, is more in line with where voters stand. And he suggests common-sense, market-driven reforms that would accomplish the same ends with less bureaucracy.

Mitchell is likeable. He's a grandfatherly figure, the kind of guy you wouldn't mind spending a day with. He's also at the end of a distinguished political career, with no illusions or ambition to be more than the 5th District congressman. While he dedicates himself to the job, he's not a dynamic presence on Capitol Hill.

Schweikert is far more likely to bring energy to the office. It takes drive to pick yourself up from a bruising defeat for another campaign against the same opponent. The ambition that has carried Schweikert this far will serve the district's residents well in Washington.

Voters have two good and honorable men to choose from. But for all these reasons, we recommend Schweikert.

Jon Hulburd in his own words: Qualified? No. Fraud? Yes.

Nancy Pelosi-backed Democratic candidate in CD 3 Jon Hulburd became the first candidate in the history of Arizona, and perhaps America, to admit, all in one 25 minute debate, that he may not be qualified for office and that he has been sued twice, for both fraud and defamation.

Hulburd also dodged questions about revelations that he was sued for fraud and defamation – and why he lied in both instances.

Asked during the KAET Channel Eight debate why he’s qualified for Congress, Hulburd told host Ted Simons, “Honestly, I'm not sure I am. I think I am.”

In another interview on KJZZ, Hulburd said, “yeah it’s tough enough running for this spot, then actually getting it would be in some ways even worse.”

“This is a candidate who has shown no candor about his positions on issues, but at least he is being candid about his lack of qualifications,” said Jay Heiler, Communications Director for the Quayle campaign. “The Arizona Capitol Times had already reported that this man owns a number of multi-million dollar houses, now it turns out he lives in one made of glass.”

It’s no wonder the Arizona Republic had this to say:

“Jon Hulburd's positions on key issues such as health care and immigration are a mystery. Republican Ben Quayle, speaking passionately and articulately on issues, leaves no question where he stands."

“It’s unfortunate that my opponent has been throwing mud throughout this race instead of focusing on the issues,” said Ben Quayle. “I would have preferred a different campaign, but he has made this choice and now he must start providing straight answers.”

Jon Hulburd has dodged questions about why he was sued for fraud and defamation and refused last night to explain his deceitful and unethical history and why voters should support someone who has such a checkered past.

Paid for By Ben Quayle for Congress

What Did Grijalva Spend His Money On: He Ate It
Friday, October 15th 2010
For Immediate Release

Tucson, AZ -- Rep. Raul Grijalva had raised over $550,000 for his campaign, and yet as of August 4th, he had less than $80,000 cash on hand. What happened to all that money? To date, Mr. Grijalva hasn't run any television advertising. He hasn't flooded the district with mailers or radio. So where did all that money go? Well, he ate it.

At the end of the last filing period, Rep. Grijalva reported spending $90,959 on food and entertainment. In addition, Mr. Grijalva had spent $104,849 for professional fundraising services. That's more than 35 percent of his total campaign contributions wasted on fundraising and fancy dinners.

Most professional fundraisers charge 5 to 10 percent for their services, Mr. Grijalva paid close to 20 percent for those services. And while buying dinner for your staff and volunteers as well as providing food at fundraising events is common on the campaign trail, it's unheard of for a major campaign to spend nearly a sixth of their total contributions on food and entertainment.

"A half million dollars in Southern Arizona can go a long way," noted Ruth McClung. "So, frankly, we're glad that Mr. Grijalva decided to waste more than a third of his donor's money on unproductive spending. Although I suppose for anyone familiar with Rep. Grijalva's profligate waste of taxpayer funds, this should come as no surprise."

Rep. Grijalva has never shown much respect for the money hardworking taxpayers are forced to give to the government each year. He's voted for just about every reckless spending program cooked up in Washington, turned more than his share of pork on the spit, and now he's advocating for an additional $50 billion federal stimulus program.

"The simple fact is that Arizonans cannot trust this man with their money," McClung continued. "He's a career politician who has never had to worry where his next paycheck was going to come from." McClung paused, "Well, at least until now."

It is this kind of disconnect from hardworking families that allows Mr. Grijalva to casually block the Superior, AZ Mine project which enjoys significant local support and would create an estimated 6,000 direct and indirect jobs. People are out of work, families are struggling to put food on the table, and Raul Grijalva is spending tens of thousands of dollars entertaining his friends at the National Democratic Club.

Mr. Grijalva even managed to spend $4,807 in one night at Bedroxx, a Tucson bowling ally. We all love bowling, and Bedroxx is a fantastic place to take your family for a night of fun. So we have to ask Mr. Grijalva one question: how many frames does $4,807 get you?


Sam Stone, Media Relations

(520) 822-7162

Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

Janet Contreras Talks to Deer Valley Church


Under the Radar: Janet Contreras' campaign


Brad Zinn

Unless you’re a regular Glenn Beck Listener, or a resident of Arizona, you probably have not heard of Janet Contreras, but her story is our story.

Janet is a 54 year old mother and grandmother, and a life-long Democrat, at least until two years ago, when she realized the Democratic Party no longer represents her views, and had nobody pursuing issues important to her or her family. Before the last election, she therefore left the Democrat party, and registered as a Republican. With the election of Obama, and the parade far-left programs, priorities and legislation that followed, her outrage spilled-over into a remarkable open-letter to our leaders in Washington, a letter ignored by them, but picked-up and read by Glenn Beck on his program.

After her eloquent, plain-spoken call for the government to stop pursuing their own agenda and start listening to what we the people want, Janet was flooded with calls for her to run for office herself, a call she has answered!

Read the rest...

Kirkpatrick Continues to Spread Lies about Gosar in a Last-Minute Attempt to Deceive Voters

Psychological Pressure of Being 7 Points Behind is Getting to Kirkpatrick

PRESCOTT, AZ – With 19 days before the November Election, Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick released a blatantly false attack ad against small businessman Dr. Paul Gosar. In an attempt to cover up her liberal voting record, Kirkpatrick has simply made up information in attempt to distort Dr. Gosar’s message of less government, cutting back on spending and creating jobs.

“Clearly the psychological pressure of being 7 points behind is getting to Ms. Kirkpatrick,” said Gosar Communications Director Stefani Zimmerman. “Her latest attack ad is nothing more than a desperate attempt to distract voters from the truth. Her outright lies against Dr. Gosar reveal that she will truly do or say anything to get elected to Congress.

Fact Check:

CLAIM: Gosar signed a pledge protecting tax loopholes for companies who send Arizona jobs overseas.

FACT: Dr. Paul Gosar is a small businessman who supports extending the tax cuts and cutting capital gains taxes so that small businesses can once again grow and begin to create jobs. He has signed the “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” which is his promise that if elected to Congress he will not support any new taxes.

KIRKPATRICK’S RECORD: Ann Kirkpatrick voted for the $787 billion stimulus bill which has given more than $2 billion in green energy grant money to companies shipping jobs overseas, includes a loophole for AIG executives to receive bonuses, and gave nearly $25 million in taxpayer money to General Electric- only for them to cut their workforce by 18,000 people.

CLAIM: Proposed cutting $70 billion from social security, cutting your retirement benefits. Worse, Gosar actually believes social security may be unconstitutional.

FACT: Dr. Paul Gosar believes in protecting the benefits promised to Americans and will fight for Congress to restore the money they have stolen from the Social Security Fund. He also believes that the promise of Medicare benefits should not be broken. He has never said otherwise.

KIRKPATRICK’S RECORD: As a Member of Congress Ann Kirkpatrick has not asked Congress to restore the funds that they robbed from Social Security. Furthermore, she voted for the $2.5 trillion health care reform bill that cuts Medicare by over $500 billion and makes cuts to the Medicare Advantage program. As a result of these cuts, seniors are at risk to lose some of the benefits they now enjoy.


Paid for By Paul Gosar for Congress

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