Thursday, October 14, 2010



PHOENIX, AZ (October 13, 2010) -- Ben Quayle, Republican candidate for Congress in Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District, today announced that the NRA has endorsed his candidacy for Congress.

“Ben Quayle has earned an 'AQ' rating from the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund," said Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF. "The NRA-PVF is supporting Ben because we know he will be a staunch defender of the Second Amendment freedoms of law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen in Arizona and across America.”

"The Second Amendment is a foundation of our freedom, and the NRA plays a strong part in protecting our fundamental right to bear arms and defend ourselves,” said Quayle. The support of NRA members in Arizona and from across the country is much appreciated.”

Quayle has earned numerous endorsements including those of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer; U.S. Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl; U.S. Congressmen John Shadegg, Jeff Flake and Trent Franks; The Arizona Republic; the Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife; and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Paid for By Quayle for Congress

Here is the video from last night's CD-3 Debate on Horizon.  Great Job Ben!



McClung Dominates Debate, Desperate Grijalva Resorts to Fabrications
Wednesday, October 13th 2010

For Immediate Release
Tucson, Arizona-After Congressman Raul Grijalva took his seat to little fanfare, a standing, chanting crowd greeted Ruth McClung for her appearance at a debate between the candidates vying for Arizona's 7th Congressional District seat. It was only the start of a long, painful and mistake-filled evening for a congressman once regarded as untouchable in this heavily democratic district.

Rep. Grijalva appeared nervous from the start. Wiping sweaty hands on his pants and fidgeting in his seat, Mr. Grijalva was clearly uncomfortable dealing with his challenger, fiery 28 year-old rocket scientist Ruth McClung. The event at Pima Community College and hosted by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce was held in front of a diverse, standing-room-only audience.

Quickly realizing he was unable to match wits or talking points with his opponent, Congressman Grijalva then resorted to attacking Ms. McClung for policies she has never endorsed, compared her to several established Republican politicians--at one point he made so many references to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer that you had to wonder which seat he was running for--and decided to run out some tried-and-true liberal trickery to excuse his history of spending and big-government policies.

First, Rep. Grijalva accused Ms. McClung of not supporting education since "Ruth McClung doesn't like job training". Unfortunately, Ms. McClung is a strong supporter of job training and higher education. "I'm not sure where Mr. Grijalva got the idea that I don't support job training," McClung responded. "I actually went to Pima Community College and I'm a big fan of education."

Both candidates then went on to say they favored eliminating No Child Left Behind--although when McClung pointed out that Mr. Grijalva had 8-years to change the law, and didn't do anything about it,Grijalva responded that "of those 8 years, your party (Republicans) has been in charge for six of them."

Of course, as McClung pointed out in her rebuttal, Democrats took control of Congress in 2006. Good math, Mr. Grijalva. (Which perhaps explains his theory that socialized medicine will save taxpayers over $2 trillion.)
When asked what we could do to balance the budget, Ms. McClung pointed out the iniquity of federal employees earning double what their civilian counterparts get for doing the same job. Continuing his missteps, Grijalva responded "my opponent works for Raytheon. Raytheon gets $110 billion in federal contracts...our teachers, our policemen, the people who pick up our trash, people who take care of our old people in nursing homes...are just as valuable as that rocket scientist working at Raytheon."

No one's arguing the fact that teachers, police officers, sanitation workers and hospice-care providers are valuable. But none of them are federal employees, either, Mr. Grijalva.

Fed up with Mr. Grijalva's distortions of her views, Ms. McClung asked in her closing remarks that Rep. Grijalva "do me the honor that I wish he would have done with the many bills he's signed--actually read my issues."

"I did read what you stand for. Ms. McClung," Grijalva responded. "I did. (You support) a national sales tax--23 percent sales tax."

Mr. Grijalva was referring to the FairTax, an issue being hotly debated in Southern Arizona 's other congressional race. A tax structure Ruth McClung has never endorsed.

At that point a fed-up audience member screamed out "You Lie!" before being escorted from the room. Yes, sir, we couldn't have said it better ourselves.


Sam Stone, Media Relations

(520) 822-7162


Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

David Schweikert is leading the fight for freedom in Arizona to protect our community and revive our economy.

Look how much money the far left needs to spend to try to destroy David Schweikert.

Congressman Mitchell’s abysmal liberal voting record speaks for itself: A sponsor of card check, voting for ObamaCare, the failed stimulus, and even the Wall Street bailouts.

Our community deserves better.

We are fighting back.

The dirty playbook for the Democrats is in full force: The DCCC, the teachers union, the Mitchell campaign, and now even front groups that throw the world “family” into their name with George Soros-style money are laying down media in our district.

We need to fight back today – right now!

Just 19 days to go until Election Day and your $19, $199, $1,999 contribution is really what it’s going to take. The only thing standing between today and victory is the resources the campaign needs to deliver our message.

For those of you who are still on the fence - - thinking about giving - - consider this. If the Democrats win back the U.S. House, and Nancy Pelosi stays on as Speaker, what will that do to our economy?

Match up $500 to support the Schweikert campaign next to higher taxes in the tens of thousands under the Democrat borrow-tax-and-spend agenda.

We really can’t afford more bad government.

More of the same Washington politicians wasting our tax dollars and voting to embolden special interest groups and union bosses are just this – unacceptable.

So our job today is to give David Schweikert the help he needs to fight Mitchell on TV. It’s that simple. Your support makes the difference for this campaign to win.

Congressman Mitchell has been a huge part of the problem in Washington. He waits until the hour Nancy Pelosi needs him most, and then falls in line. He did it with ObamaCare, he did it with TARP, he did it with the stimulus, and he did it with card check. The list goes on… Mitchell has appropriately earned the title “Friend of Big Government.”

Our Congressman does not serve the community like he wants us to think. No – he is bought and paid for by union money - - all you need to do is watch TV to see that.

We believe in freedom. We want limited government and fidelity to the Constitution. We want someone who gets it, someone we can trust to defend the taxpayer.

Our job today is to help a campaign that urgently needs your support.

Can David Schweikert count on your help today?

We know the stakes. Will we do what it takes?

Paid for By Schweikert for Congress

Kirkpatrick’s Rhetoric v. Reality
Kirkpatrick’s “Stimulus” Vote Sent Taxpayer Money to Companies Overseas

PRESCOTT, AZ –Today, in another desperate attempt to hide her record, Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick continued to spread lies about Dr. Paul Gosar’s positions. As a small businessman and healthcare provider, he understands that small business is the engine of Arizona’s economy and he has a plan to bring jobs back to the district. Under Ann Kirkpatrick’s “leadership” unemployment has risen to 12% in the district; meanwhile, her stimulus vote helped to boost China’s economic growth rate.

“As Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick continues to struggle in the polls, she has resorted to outright lies about Dr. Gosar’s plan to bring jobs back to rural Arizona,” said Gosar Communications Director Stefani Zimmerman.

 “Ann Kirkpatrick’s vote for the $787 billion failed stimulus bill gave green energy grant money to companies in China. Arizonans are struggling and Kirkpatrick has done nothing but vote to ship taxpayer money and jobs overseas. This is hypocrisy at its worst.”

The Investigative Reporting Workshop, in conjunction with ABC News and the Watchdog Institute, reported that “more than 80 percent of the first $1 billion in grants to wind and energy companies went to foreign firms. Since then, the administration has stopped making announcements of new grants to wind, solar and geothermal companies, but has handed out another $1 billion, bringing the total given out to $2.1 billion and the total that went to companies based overseas to more than 79 percent.”

Ann Kirkpatrick’s rhetoric cannot hide the fact that she voted for the $787 billion stimulus bill. Since passage of this bill, unemployment has skyrocketed. And, since her time in Congress, unemployment has increased 20% in Arizona’s First Congressional District and more than 33,000 jobs have been lost under her watch.

Voters don’t want to send their taxpayer money overseas and that is why momentum continues to grow behind Dr. Paul Gosar. As a small businessman he is committed to reining in wasteful spending and stopping the dramatic growth in government. Small businesses create jobs in Arizona, not stimulus money that is sent abroad to green energy plants in China.

Paid for By Gosar for Congress


George Vreeland Hill said...

I will be voting for the Democrats ... AGAIN.
I remember the party that put us all in economic ruin.
It was the Republican Party and their greed.
In fact, the GOP made such a mess of things that it will take more than two years to fix it all.
Don't blame the Democrats.
Blame the Republicans who sat there like Bush during 9/11 while things were going downhill.


Tony GOPrano said...

George your words show the true 'desparation' of the Dems in 2010! In 2 short years, Barack Hussein Obama & his willing accomplises in the Congress & Lame Stream Media have bankrupted this country! Voters will show on Nov 2nd just how angry they truly are with the Obamanation & his Socialist/Communist policies.