Thursday, October 07, 2010


Ruth McClung for Congress - TV Spot



PHOENIX, AZ (October 6, 2010) – Arizona Republican Congressional Candidate Ben Quayle today pledged support for Proposition 113, a state ballot initiative that preserves the right of Arizonans to a secret ballot in union elections. Quayle, who is seeking to represent Congressional District Three, challenged his Democratic opponent in the race to join him in support of Proposition 113.

“I support Proposition 113 because the continuing attempt by some politicized labor unions to destroy the secret ballot threatens the rights of Arizona workers to free and fair elections,” Quayle said. “I call on my opponent to do the right thing: Support this initiative and reject the Obama administration’s so-called “Card Check” legislation, which will hurt the American worker in favor of continued political manipulation of and by once-honorable labor unions,” he added.

"Unions should return to their legitimate function of advocacy and bargaining for sound conditions and fair compensation for labor," Quayle added, "and stop their long slide into left-wing political activism that operates against the economic interests of union members."

Joining Quayle in support for Proposition 113 were Republican Congressional Candidates Paul Gosar (CD1) and David Schweikert (CD5). The measure has also been endorsed by the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, the Arizona Farm Bureau, and the National Federation of Independent Business.
You are an important part of this campaign!

Your support is needed to send Ben to Congress. Make a donation today or consider volunteering for the campaign!


Flake stands out from the panderers

Oct. 6, 2010 12:00 AM

The Arizona Republic

This is Big Red, the 6th Congressional District, covering parts or all of some of the most conservative cities in metro Phoenix - Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Queen Creek and Apache Junction. You could say Republicans enjoy an edge over Democrats here - by about 90,000 voters.

So when Republican Jeff Flake runs for re-election, his primary is really his general election. Win the primary and he wins his seat. Simple, right

Except, Flake likes to chain himself to principle. He's one of the few Republicans who embraces comprehensive immigration reform and even dares to whisper its 10 syllables.

You breathe that phrase and the immigration right is going to give you a primary fight.

That happened to Flake in 2004 and again in 2010. He could have spared himself the contests by running right, but he doesn't unload principle when it's unpopular.

Flake is the stark contrast to all the politicians who bend their values to match the season. He's as stalwart on earmarks as on immigration and was shunned by his party until it realized he was right.

As is typical with Flake, he faces an utterly decent and likable and beatable Democrat in the fall. Rebecca Schneider is a librarian who, to her credit, decided Flake should face competition in his general election. She will lose.

Jeff Flake doesn't need our endorsement. We're not writing this for him. This is for the way-too-many politicians in this state who don't trust their voters enough to be straightforward with them.
Flake is proof that even conservative voters who turn up their noses to 10 syllables will still reward leaders with the moxie to say them.

Governor Mitt Romney Endorses Dr. Paul Gosar

October 5, 2010
PRESCOTT, AZ –Governor Mitt Romney has endorsed Dr. Paul Gosar, citing his strong credentials as a small business owner. In today’s tough economy, Arizonans need a Representative in Congress who understands how to create jobs and rein in spending. Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick has failed residents of Arizona’s first congressional district by standing lock-step with Nancy Pelosi and supporting legislation that has spent trillions of taxpayer money and done nothing to put Arizona back to work.

“As a small business owner, Dr. Paul Gosar understands that more government and more spending will only deepen this recession,” said Romney. “The only way to get our economy moving again is to empower small businesses and that means we need to change business as usual in Washington.”

“I am honored to have the support of Governor Mitt Romney,” said Gosar. “As a former Governor and accomplished businessman, Governor Romney has the experience and leadership of making tough decisions in a challenging economy. His record of creating jobs, reining in spending and operating under tight budgets is exactly the kind of leadership that we should expect from our elected officials. “

Ann Kirkpatrick has been a rubber stamp of Nancy Pelosi’s big spending agenda. Championing the message that government knows best, Kirkpatrick’s record speaks volumes of her tax and spend philosophy. She supported the failed “stimulus” bill which cost taxpayers $787 billion and includes a loophole for AIG executives to receive millions in bonuses. She supported a $3.5 trillion budget which has been dubbed the “most fiscally irresponsible budget in the history of the federal government.” She has personally requested nearly $100 million in earmark requests in less than two years. And, in a recent forum, she said she is “looking for spending projects.” In this deepening economic recession, Arizona is looking for solutions, not more broken promises from out-of-touch politicians in Washington.

Yesterday ,Roll Call ranked Ann Kirkpatrick as one of the ten most vulnerable Members of Congress stating, “In the Republican-leaning district, Gosar is campaigning hard against the Democrats’ big-ticket legislation, especially health care, and Kirkpatrick’s support for it. The race will be closer this time, and not in Kirkpatrick’s favor.” Dr. Paul Gosar’s messages of reining in wasteful spending and creating jobs by empowering small businesses continues to resonate with the people of Arizona. As a small business owner himself, Dr. Gosar understands how to create jobs and operate on a budget. He has enjoyed meeting with voters across the District who share his belief that his background and his experience in rural Arizona’s way of life have positioned him well to defeat Rep. Kirkpatrick in November.

News coverage of the campaignOct 05, 2010

Fox 11 News reported from the campaign trail on Monday, October 4th. Watch the video below to see Jesse's response to their questions. Gabrielle Giffords voted to bail out Wall Street and she voted for the wasteful stimulus. Giffords also opposes SB 1070 even though she has failed to do anything about illegal immigration. Giffords' vote for Obamacare was out of step with the values of the residents of Southern Arizona as well.


Mitchell’s false accusations of Schweikert as a vulture preying on foreclosed homeowners aren’t working

by IC Arizona on Oct. 06, 2010, under Intellectual Conservative Arizona

Desperate Harry Mitchell, behind in the polls, has been been playing TV ads round the clock claiming that David Schweikert is a "vulture" who preys upon foreclosed homeowners. As we explained in a prior post, these accusations are pure made-up lies; Schweikert has never bought a mortgage in his life; he buys homes from BANKS. Fortunately, the voters know better. These kind of disgusting tactics

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