Tuesday, September 07, 2010

WHO IS RODNEY GLASSMAN? Glassman Opposes Border Fence, National Guard Troops, SB 1070



Glassman Opposes Border Fence, National Guard Troops, SB 1070

PHOENIX, AZ -- U.S. Senator John McCain’s re-election campaign today begins a series of daily “Who Is Rodney Glassman?” fact checks outlining for voters the Democratic Senate candidate’s out-of-the mainstream liberal views. First issue up: Border security.

The best thing Rodney Glassman has going for him in this race is that many Arizonans don’t know a single thing about him, and if we were advising him we’d recommend he try and keep it that way. Glassman is a far-left liberal, and so far outside the mainstream on the issues important to Arizonans that he faces an unusual paradox -- as he gets his message and record out to the voters, Glassman’s poll numbers will likely go down.

Particularly on the issue of border security, Glassman’s views betray a fundamental lack of understanding about the everyday realities Arizonans face. For example, according to one recent poll, 66% of Arizona voters support SB 1070 and 71% support the border fence.

Glassman opposes both, calling the border fence “a waste of resources” and SB 1070 “illegal,” while calling for its repeal.

Glassman even said the Arizona lawmakers who supported SB 1070 are on “the fringe.”

Either Glassman is so clueless that he thinks his opposition to SB 1070 is actually a mainstream position, or he’s using a definition of “fringe” we’re not familiar with.

On the issue of National Guard troops, Glassman is to the left of even his fellow Democratic politicians. As Arizona Democratic Representatives like Gabrielle Giffords, Harry Mitchell and Ann Kirkpatrick called for more National Guard troops on the border,
Glassman opposed such a move, even refusing to change his position after President Barack Obama finally agreed to deploy some Guard troops. Give that a moment to sink in: Rodney Glassman is to the left of Barack Obama on border security!

In response to Glassman’s disturbing failure to understand the need to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers released the following statement:

“As Arizonans plead for more resources to protect themselves against the growing threat of spillover violence from Mexico’s brutal and bloody drug war, Rodney Glassman continues to oppose common-sense measures like completing the border fence, deploying National Guard troops and SB 1070.

“If Rodney really wants to be a border state senator, perhaps he should consider running to represent a state that borders Canada instead, because he’s clearly either too liberal or too ignorant to understand the very real danger posed to Arizona by Mexican drug
cartels.“If Rodney opposes the fence and opposes deploying National Guard troops, how exactly does he think we’re going to secure the border? Rodney’s plan must involve politely asking the machine gun-wielding drug smugglers to please not traffic their poison through our state, thank you very much. Geez, how can a man with five degrees be so dumb?” -- McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers


Glassman Opposes The Border Fence And Deploying National Guard Troops To The Border:

Glassman: “The National Guard Is Not The Answer, And Neither Is Building The Fence.” (Rodney Glassman Interview,
Rachel Maddow Show Blog, 8/25/10)

Glassman Says That While “We Hear Politicians Talking About Sending The National Guard Down To The Border,” What He Wants To Do Is Hire More Border Patrol Agents Instead. “We hear politicians talking about sending the National Guard down to the border. I always remind everyone there’s an agency responsible for patrolling the border -- it’s called the Border Patrol. And I’m frustrated that I haven’t heard politicians talking about hiring and training the appropriate number of Border Patrol agents, which needs to be a component of securing the border, along with putting in the appropriate infrastructure.” (Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/12/2010)

Glassman Says He Is “Tired” Of Hearing People Call For National Guard Troops On The Border. “I am tired of hearing politicians talk about sending National Guard troops, as opposed to putting the appropriate federal agencies on the border.” (“The Candidates Speak: U.S. Senate, Democratic Candidates,” Arizona Daily Star, 7/31/10)

Glassman Even Refused To Take A Position On President Obama’s Decision To Send 1,200 National Guard Troops To The Border. “Yet Glassman refused to pass judgment on the Obama administration's recent decision to send 1,200 National Guard troops to the Mexican border, illustrating the delicate balancing act he faces as a Democrat in a state where the bill remains popular and frustration at the federal response is growing. Republicans, including McCain, have said the troop number is too low.” (Sean Sullivan, “Dem Long Shot Takes Aim At McCain,” National Journal’ Congress Daily, 6/11/10)

Glassman Says SB 1070 Is “Illegal,” And The Work Of “A Few Leaders From The Fringe”:

Glassman Says SB 1070 Is “Inappropriate” And “Illegal,” And Says He Wants The Bill Repealed. John Dougherty: “Rodney, SB 1070, yes or no? Are you for it or against it?” Rodney Glassman: “John, I came out the day that it was signed and said that it was inappropriate. I believe that it’s also illegal. But at the end of the day we can repeal SB 1070 and we can get rid of Congressman Grijalva’s boycott. At the end of the day Arizona and the United States need federal immigration reform and we need a U.S. Senator to get that done.” (
Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/27/10)

Glassman Says SB 1070 Was The Work Of “A Few Leaders From The Fringe.” “The reality is that in these difficult economic times Arizonans can’t afford a boycott. Arizonans are struggling with record high job losses and foreclosures. A boycott on Arizona really harms those who need the work the most. We have to be careful not to punish millions of Arizonans from the actions of a few leaders from the fringe.” (“Exclusive Phoenix.org Interview Of Senatorial Candidate Rodney Glassman,” Phoenix.org, 5/31/10)


Unknown said...

Breaking! Mexicans invent LADDERS, thus foiling McCain's border fence!

McCain BS posturing is hilarious! He helps deregulate Wall St so they can rob you, and then helps blame the poorest people possible (immigrants) for the total failure of his economic policies.

McCain's election slogan in 2010 "say anything!". Que the pic of McCain as John Cusack with a stereo over his head in the rain.

Instead of fearmongering with no realistic solution McCain should talk to the McCain of 2006 who was in favor of meaningful reform instead of fearmongering and scapegoating. 4 yrs ago I would have voted for McCain. There is no way I can do that now

Unknown said...

*site not "sit"