Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today In The Washington Examiner Sept 29, 2010

Michael Barone - Dems retreat to coasts as GOP rules vast interior

Get an outline map showing the 50 states and take a look at the latest poll averages in in each race for senator and governor. Color in the percentage (rounded off; no need for tenths) by which either the Republican or Democratic candidate is leading (I use blue for Republicans, red for Democrats) in each state.

The results are revealing, even breathtaking.

Byron York - Pelosi's negatives hit all-time high; as unpopular as BP

Pelosi's negative rating is precisely the same as oil giant BP, which has taken a public relations beating in the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill. While 50 percent of those surveyed view BP negatively, just 12 percent view the company favorably -- a rating even lower than Pelosi's.

Pelosi is less popular than her Republican predecessor in the speaker's chair, Newt Gingrich. The poll finds that 35 percent of those surveyed have a negative impression of Gingrich, while 24 percent view him positively.

Pelosi is also less popular than 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who is viewed negatively by 48 percent of those surveyed, and positively by 30 percent.

Ben Giles - Arlington opts out of federal immigration program

The Arlington County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to withdraw from the federal Secure Communities program, saying that it is not the role of Arlington's law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws.

The program is an agreement between the federal government and 26 states where local law enforcement agencies send fingerprints of individuals they arrest to be checked against the FBI's national criminal database and the Department of Homeland Security's immigration database.

"Our sheriff's deputies and police officers have not and will not monitor, detain, interview, or investigate a person solely for the purpose of determining their immigration statues," Police Chief Douglas Scott and Arlington Sheriff Beth Arthur said.

I actually appreciate the sentiment here, but I’ve got to say it: Welcome to the club, Peter. After several years, I’m glad you noticed that Obama frequently employs straw men to dismiss principled arguments. Now try being someone who disagrees with him most of the time.

Susan Ferrechio - GOP gains in N.Y. Senate race

Gillibrand was leading Republican Joe DioGuardi 52 percent to 41 percent in a poll released Tuesday by the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. However, Gillibrand's lead is shrinking and her supporters indicated to pollsters that their preference could shift before the Nov. 2 election, political observers said. That soft support, combined with a viral anti-incumbent mood among New York voters, leaves Gillibrand vulnerable, they said.

Julie Mason - Obama wearing short coattails in 2010 elections

Much is being made this election season of President Obama's drag on Democratic candidates in close races and swing states. What's less clear is where Obama is helping.

Byron York - GOP: Grayson exhibits 'pathological pattern of instability and deceit'

Republicans are fuming over another attack ad from Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson. The confrontational lawmaker, who falsely accused GOP opponent Daniel Webster of being a draft-dodger, now calls Webster "Taliban Dan" in an ad that says uses "edited video to make [Webster] appear to be saying the opposite of what he really said."

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