Thursday, September 02, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner Sept 2, 2010

The question is, to what extent will the media note that this violence was spurred by a radical left-wing environmental agenda, or that eco-terrorism is not a new phenomenon and is arguably the America’s biggest domestic terrorist threat?

Timothy P. Carney - Left's double standard on Kochs and Soros

I was the main speaker of the night at a fancy dinner. The crowd included millionaire business owners and corporate executives. And the man who introduced me, and who had invited me to speak, was billionaire industrialist Charles Koch.
My topic was what it always is: the evils of corporate welfare and bailouts, and the destructive influence of the Big Business lobby in Washington. In my talk, I blasted "regulatory robber barons" and "subsidy sucklers."

But if you follow the Left's talking points, my talk was part of Koch's "pro-corporate movement."

Susan Ferrechio - Dems may push lame-duck energy bill

Cap and trade may be dead, but a proposal for wind and solar energy mandates is making a comeback in Congress.

Lawmakers retreated to their districts in August having failed to consider an energy reform measure. But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced he may try to pass a bill requiring the use of renewable energy sources after the midterm elections are over.

Byron York - How Democratic Congress threw away advantage over GOP
Many political observers were stunned by the new Gallup poll showing the Republican party with a 10-point advantage in the so-called "generic ballot" question. Now we have a better idea how that happened.

Julie Mason - Obama hopes for movement in Middle East peace process
Opening two potentially consequential days of Middle East peace talks, President Obama condemned the "senseless slaughter" of four Israelis earlier this week, reportedly by a Hamas gunman.

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Suspected Discovery Channel gunman James Jay Lee’s MySpace page: It’s time for REVOLUTION!!!

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