Friday, September 24, 2010



Rodney Glassman: Embracing President Obama’s Failed Liberal Agenda

PHOENIX, AZ -- As the Arizona Senate Debate this Sunday approaches, U.S. Senator John McCain’s re-election campaign today offers a preview of what to watch for from the Democratic Party’s nominee, former Tucson City Councilman Rodney Glassman.

As Democrats across the country work diligently to distance themselves from President Obama, Rodney Glassman has fully embraced Obama’s liberal agenda -- from supporting the failed $814 billion “stimulus” package and calling for billions more spending in a so-called “Stimulus 2,” to backing the government takeover of health care system, and even saying ObamaCare didn’t go far enough. On border security, Glassman has staked out positions well to the left of President Obama and most Arizona Democrats.

Glassman’s liberal positions put him far outside the mainstream of Arizona voters, so it will be interesting to see whether Glassman sticks to the liberal agenda he’s established over the past six months, or if he backtracks and waffles in hopes of appearing more acceptable to general election voters.

Here’s a quick recap of what to watch for from Glassman at the debate this Sunday night:

ECONOMY: Rather than recognize that President Obama’s signature economic initiative, the $814 billion so-called “stimulus,” has been a failure, Rodney Glassman steadfastly supports it, saying it's put us on the “road to economic recovery.” Further, Glassman would repeat the mistake, promising to “champion” even billions more spending with a so-called “Stimulus 2” if he’s elected to the Senate.

OBAMACARE: Rodney Glassman is an unabashed supporter of President Obama’s government takeover of health care, saying he “most certainly” would have voted for the bill, were he in the Senate. Further, as Democrats across America continue to distance themselves from ObamaCare, Glassman stated that it doesn’t go far enough, calling it merely “a good first step.” Is the next step a single payer system?

BORDER SECURITY: Rodney Glassman is actually to the left of President Obama and most Arizona Democrats on border security. Glassman opposes both completing the border fence and deploying National Guard troops to the border -- going so far as refusing to take a position on President Obama’s decision to deploy 1,200 National Guard personnel to the border. He opposes SB 1070, which is supported by some 66% of Arizonans, and calls for its repeal. Further, it was his political mentor, Congressman Raul Grijalva, who led the boycott against Arizona, and Glassman has refused to renounce the support of the pro-boycott SEIU.

EARMARK SPENDING: While voters in Arizona and across America have sent a clear message this year to STOP THE SPENDING, Rodney Glassman has doubled-down on the pork barrel politics of the past – including supporting the corrupt and wasteful earmark spending process. Indeed, as candidates from both parties have increasingly pledged not to take earmarks and end the practice, Glassman has based his campaign in large part on attacking Senator McCain for his long and lonely fight to stop earmarks and wasteful spending, and promised to increase, not cut, government spending.

NATIONAL SECURITY: Rodney Glassman’s two years on the Tucson City Council have left him with only bad judgment, inexperience and confusion on our critical security threats, most notably the war in Afghanistan. In 2007, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), infamously declared defeat in Iraq, saying “this war is lost.” Three years later, Rodney Glassman, similarly declares defeat in Afghanistan, stating, “there is no victory in Afghanistan.” Perhaps more importantly, Glassman has displayed his inexperience and confusion on basic national security issues. In the course of six weeks this year, Glassman went from stating that “there isn’t an exit strategy” for Afghanistan to saying “we now have an exit strategy.” Huh? Most critically, Glassman appears confused about the consequences of setting a date certain for withdrawing our troops from Afghanistan. On the one hand he’s argued, rightly, that announcing a timetable for withdrawal to our enemies is dangerous and wrong -- comparing it to a “sporting event” -- because “that only causes them to refortify themselves in preparation for leaving.” But at the same time, Glassman says he fully supports President Obama’s July 2011 date to begin withdrawal -- which the Administration has repeatedly stated is not based upon conditions on the ground. Glassman further says he wants American troops home “yesterday.”


ECONOMY: Glassman Supports President Obama’s Failed $814 Billion “Stimulus” Package, Says He’ll Champion Even More Spending In A “Stimulus 2” If Elected:

Glassman Supports The Obama Stimulus Package, Claiming It “Saved Or Created” Thousands Of Jobs In Arizona And Put Us On The “Road To Economic Recovery.” “Stimulus Act: The stimulus hasn’t done everything we hoped it would, but it certainly has helped. Nearly every American received a tax break last year. In Arizona, the stimulus has brought in about $1 billion and saved or created more than 10,000 jobs. Nationally, nearly every economic indicator is looking like we’re on the road to economic recovery.” (“2010 Primary Election Guide,” Arizona Capitol Times, p. 25)

Glassman Is Calling For A Second Stimulus Package, And Even Says He Will “Champion” Such A Bill If Elected To The Senate. GLASSMAN: “Well Frank, we need a second stimulus. The reality is that the first stimulus package worked. It began creating jobs – infrastructure jobs, quality jobs -- for Arizona. But we still live in a state where more than 50 percent of our homeowners are upside down on their home mortgages. We still live in a state where teachers and police officers are being threatened with layoffs because our tax base is not strong. … As a U.S. Senator I’m going to champion a second stimulus program that’s going to create infrastructure jobs, that’s actually going to get workers back to work.” (Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/12/2010)

OBAMACARE: Glassman Says He “Most Certainly” Would Have Voted For ObamaCare, Calls The Bill “A Good First Step”:

Glassman Says He “Most Certainly” Would Have Voted For ObamaCare If He Had Been In Congress At The Time.

Tucson Weekly’s Jim Nintzel:“Would you have voted in favor of the healthcare reform package?” Glassman: “Most certainly. We need healthcare reform.” (KUAT’s “Arizona Illustrated,” 6/11/10)

**Watch Glassman say he would have voted for ObamaCare**

Glassman Calls ObamaCare “A Good First Step.” “The health care reform bill is not perfect but it is a good first step.” (“Candidate Q & A,” The Arizona Republic)

BORDER SECURITY: Glassman Opposes Completing Border Fence, Deploying National Guard Troops To The Border, And SB 1070:

Glassman: “The National Guard Is Not The Answer, And Neither Is Building The Fence.” (Rodney Glassman Interview, Rachel Maddow Show Blog, 8/25/10)

· Glassman Says He Is “Tired” Of Hearing People Call For National Guard Troops On The Border. “I am tired of hearing politicians talk about sending National Guard troops, as opposed to putting the appropriate federal agencies on the border.” (“The Candidates Speak: U.S. Senate, Democratic Candidates,” Arizona Daily Star, 7/31/10)

· Glassman Even Refused To Take A Position On President Obama’s Decision To Send 1,200 National Guard Troops To The Border. “Yet Glassman refused to pass judgment on the Obama administration's recent decision to send 1,200 National Guard troops to the Mexican border, illustrating the delicate balancing act he faces as a Democrat in a state where the bill remains popular and frustration at the federal response is growing. Republicans, including McCain, have said the troop number is too low.” (Sean Sullivan, “Dem Long Shot Takes Aim At McCain,” National Journal’ Congress Daily, 6/11/10)

Glassman Opposes SB 1070 And Wants It Repealed.

John Dougherty: “Rodney, SB 1070, yes or no? Are you for it or against it?” Rodney Glassman: “John, I came out the day that it was signed and said that it was inappropriate. I believe that it’s also illegal. But at the end of the day we can repeal SB 1070 and we can get rid of Congressman Grijalva’s boycott. At the end of the day Arizona and the United States need federal immigration reform and we need a U.S. Senator to get that done.” (Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/27/10)

· Glassman Says SB 1070 Was The Work Of “A Few Leaders From The Fringe.” “The reality is that in these difficult economic times Arizonans can’t afford a boycott. Arizonans are struggling with record high job losses and foreclosures. A boycott on Arizona really harms those who need the work the most. We have to be careful not to punish millions of Arizonans from the actions of a few leaders from the fringe.” (“Exclusive Interview Of Senatorial Candidate Rodney Glassman,”, 5/31/10)

EARMARKS: As Voters Reject Big Spenders Across America, Glassman Embraces Pork Barrel Earmark Spending:

ABC News: Candidates “Expert At Playing The Earmark Game … Bringing Home The Bacon” Losing All Over The Country In 2010. “There has been much said about the anti-incumbent wave sweeping the country, but there may be something more interesting -- and unusual -- going on: an anti-appropriator wave. From the dawn of recorded time, or at least since the late Sen. Robert Byrd steered money to his first West Virginia highway project, getting a seat on the House or Senate Appropriations Committees was a virtually assured ticket to reelection. You get on the committee, you steer millions, or, more likely, billions, of taxpayer dollars to projects back home and you get reelected. But take a look at some of the most high-profile members of Congress who have already been kicked out by voters in primaries this year: Sen. Robert Bennett R-Utah,; Sen. Arlen Specter D-Pa.; Rep. Alan Mollohan, D-W.V.; and Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich. All senior members of the Appropriations Committee who were expert at playing the earmark game and had reputations for bringing home the bacon. And there's more. Other top appropriators have been defeated in their efforts to seek higher office, including Rep. Todd Tiahrt, R-Kan., who lost his bid for the Republican Senate nomination; and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, who was trounced in the race against Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Even the top appropriator of all -- House Appropriations Chairman David Obey -- is heading out the door. The Democrat was not defeated but decided against running in the face of a strong challenge from a former professional lumberjack and reality-TV star. Seriously.” (Jonathan Karl and Z. Byron Wolf, “Appropriators Beware: Primaries Spell Defeat for Some,” ABC News, 8/6/10)

Christian Science Monitor: “Once A Selling Point For Lawmakers, Congressionally Directed Spending -- Otherwise Known As Earmarks Or ‘Pork Barrel’ Projects -- Is Becoming A Liability … In Campaign 2010.” “Once a selling point for lawmakers, congressionally directed spending -- otherwise known as earmarks or ‘pork barrel’ projects – is becoming a liability for many incumbents in Campaign 2010. With the federal deficit at $1.5 trillion, some voters are balking at politicians touting their record of bringing home the bacon. Earmark fatigue figured in the recent primary defeats of three-term Sen. Robert Bennett (R) of Utah and five-term Sen. Arlen Specter (D) of Pennsylvania. Both Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D) of Nevada and Sen. Patty Murray (D) of Washington face close races that are shaping up as a referendum on earmarking.” (Gail Russell Chaddock, “'Pork Barrel' Spending: A Big Liability For Lawmakers In 2010 Election?” Christian Science Monitor, 8/19/10)

· Steve Ellis, Vice President, Taxpayers for Common Sense: “Earmarks used to be a pure bonus for lawmakers … But because of more voter concern about corruption, deficits, and government spending, it’s shifted from being benign and positive to a negative in a number of cases.” (Gail Russell Chaddock, “'Pork Barrel' Spending: A Big Liability For Lawmakers In 2010 Election?” Christian Science Monitor, 8/19/10)

Glassman Attacks Sen. McCain For Fighting Earmarks And Pork Barrel Spending. “Glassman slammed McCain for not being responsive to requests for federal help for local projects and accused him of neglecting the state. McCain has a national reputation for fighting earmarks and pork spending. ‘Where has he been the past 28 years?’ Glassman said.” (Dan Nowicki, “Democrat Rodney Glassman Set For Senate Run,” The Arizona Republic, 4/7/10)

Glassman Says Sen. McCain “Built A Very Strong Reputation By Giving Speeches In New Hampshire About What He Does Not Do For Arizona.” (“Exclusive Interview Of Senatorial Candidate Rodney Glassman,”, 5/31/10)

NATIONAL SECURITY: Glassman’s Bad Judgment, Inexperience And Confusion On National Security Issues:

Glassman Doing Best Harry Reid Impression: “There Is No Victory In Afghanistan.” “There is no victory in Afghanistan. We were sent to Afghanistan, we went to Afghanistan in response to its attack on the United States. And so long as there is even one young American man or woman in Afghanistan risking their lives, there will be no victory. The reality is, is that we need to do what we can as a nation, to leave Afghanistan secure but at the same time remembering that our focus needs to be our troops and bringing them home.” (Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/9/2010)

In July 2010, Glassman Said That “The Reality Is, Is Right Now There Isn’t An Exit Strategy” In Afghanistan, And Also Said He Wouldn’t Support A Timetable For Withdrawal. “Just recently I was visiting with a friend of mine, Mike, who is a veteran who had three terms – or three tours in Afghanistan. And we were talking, ‘is there an exit strategy, what is the feeling on the ground from our soldiers?’ And the reality is, is right now there isn’t an exit strategy. You would no sooner tell your opponent in a sporting event as you would in war, when you’re planning on leaving their country because that only causes them to refortify themselves in preparation for leaving.” (Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/9/2010)

In August 2010, Glassman Said “We Now Have An Exit Strategy” In Afghanistan, And That He Does Support A Timetable For Withdrawal. “Do you support next summer's planned reduction of U.S. forces in Afghanistan? ‘Yes. We should start to change our mission in July 2011. Our president and Congress have a moral obligation to think through military action before they put our troops in harm’s way. We now have an exit strategy that George W. Bush and John McCain refused to consider. (“U.S. Senate: Rodney Glassman (D),” Green Valley News, 8/18/10)

Glassman Told The Arizona Republic “I Am Wary About Announcing A Timetable To Our Enemies, But I Believe Our Troops Should Come Home Yesterday.” “I am wary about announcing a timetable to our enemies, but I believe our troops should come home yesterday. The best people to secure Afghanistan are the Afghans themselves.” (“Candidate Q & A,” The Arizona Republic)

Glassman Says He Opposes Telling The Enemy Any Timetable For Withdrawal, Comparing It To Telling The Other Team When You’re Leaving The Field In A “Sporting Event,” Because “That Only Causes Them To Refortify Themselves In Preparation For Leaving.” “You would no sooner tell your opponent in a sporting event as you would in war, when you’re planning on leaving their country because that only causes them to refortify themselves in preparation for leaving.” (Democratic Senate Debate, Phoenix, AZ, 7/9/2010)

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