Monday, September 27, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for September 27, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to the defeat Sen. Isakson's resolution against labor union organization by plurality rule: "First it was the EPA with its carbon endangerment finding, and then the National Labor Relations Board moving in the direction of card check. This is rule by bureaucracy, not by representation."

"Superman" and silver bullets

Weariness of Obama is nationwide

Dems face skeptics in rural areas

Time to take of the party hats, and put on the work gloves

Tea Partiers are getting the last laugh

Fred Thompson: If Tea Party is too far out, so are the American people

GOP Pledge: Repeal ObamaCare, cut spending

GOP pledge show that they have been listening to Americans

Rocky road seen for Obama ahead

Over half the nation disapproves on Obama…


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