Thursday, September 23, 2010


Jesse's new ad hits the air this week. View a copy of the video at this link. The campaign has also been endorsed by Club for Growth this week and the National Republican Congressional Committee moved Jesse up to the top tier of the NRCC Young Guns program. This week has started out well but we need money to keep the ads on the air. Please donate $25 to show Jesse's new ad on targeted cable or $45 for a slot on a prime TV show. Your contribution of $25 or $45 will go straight to putting Jesse's ad on the air. Let your friends know that they can sponsor an ad spot as well.


Upcoming Events:

Wed, Sept 22. Fundraiser at Triple Play mini golf in Sahuarita, 1570 W. Duval Mine Rd, $50 person or $75 per couple.

Thur, Sept 23. Villa Hermosa Town Hall.

Thur, Sept 23. Fundraiser in SaddleBrooke.

Sat, Sept 25. Rita Ranch Day in the Park. Bring the kids for fun games and bring your questions for Jesse.

Save the Date: Thur, Sept 30, CD 8 Candidate Forum - El Camino Baptist Church, 7777 E. Speedway from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

Don't forget to sponsor an ad today. For as little as $25, you can make sure voters know the truth about the Giffords Agenda to bail out Wall Street, force Obamacare on Arizona, and undermine SB 1070. Your donation will go directly to educating the voters of Southern Arizona.

Volunteer for the campaign:

The main office is calling voters this week. Call (520) 888-8683 if you would like to help make phone calls.

We also need volunteers to staff the Cochise County Fair from Sept 23rd to the 26th in Douglas, AZ. The campaign can also use people to help with the Fall Festival in Sierra Vista from Sept 24th to the 26th. Please contact Kale Kiyabu at

Thank you for your support.

Paid For By Jesse Kelly For Congress

Credit Declined by Taxpayers!


It's just wrong that Arizona liberals like Congressman Harry Mitchell won't stand up to the SEIU, UFCW, and the boycott cartel harming Arizona's economy.

We need jobs and an economic recovery that works - - not more government wasting our tax dollars.

These Washington liberals just don’t get it.

Today marks the 6-month anniversary of ObamaCare, which Congressman Mitchell voted for TWICE - - It’s unconscionable! He lied to Arizonans and told them he wouldn’t vote for the bill.

Their one-candle-cake, is about to burn out. But I need your help to send Congressman Harry Mitchell packing in November.

Congressman Mitchell isn’t willing to defend his own record: the boycott unions that come to his aid, or his tragic record in Congress - - voting for ObamaCare, Wall Street bailouts, and a failed stimulus that even The New York Times rails against stating that it has lost more jobs that it has created.

These liberals and their phony recovery are wrong.

It’s our duty to send them packing, but that means your support today, in the next few minutes, is urgently needed to help lead the fight!

Congressman Mitchell’s Obama-Pelosi stimulus has lost more jobs than it has created. It’s time for Mitchell to lose his job. Let’s send him packing, home to Arizona, and elect a true leader that understands the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people.

David Schweikert understands that prosperity comes from economic freedom.

Congressman Mitchell, Obama, and Pelosi oppose freedom and favor a big government dependency agenda. Mitchell is 100% in favor of the failed policies that are preventing us from having the kind of economic recovery we should be having!

Congressman Mitchell is a huge part of the problem in Washington.

David Schweikert fights for us.

We need to focus on how to create jobs, not more government. Congressman Mitchell’s liberal voting record is damaging our economy. He sides with groups that boycott Arizona and he lied to us about ObamaCare.

If we’re going to take back our country, we’re going to do it by winning races like Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District.

Can David Schweikert count on your support today?

In the next few minutes, we need your help!

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

Ann Kirkpatrick Uses Faulty Logic to Attack Paul Gosar and the Taxpayer Protection Pledge

From Adam Radman on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 4:32 PM

Recently, Paul Gosar has come under attack from the Ann Kirkpatrick campaign in AZ-01 for signing the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which commits a signer to oppose and vote against income tax hikes.

Kirkpatrick isn’t the first Democrat to try this line of attack against the “No New Taxes” Pledge. It began in the special election in HI-01, where found the claims made against the Pledge to be “blatantly false.” It’s continued in states like Washington where King 5 TV found the claims made by the Patty Murray campaign against the Pledge and Dino Rossi to be “a stretch.” Additionally, Jon Ralston of Face to Face called the accusations made by the Dina Titus campaign against the Pledge to be “thoroughly misleading.” It appears that Democrats haven’t learned their lesson yet. Candidates that take the Taxpayer Protection Pledge should be applauded for their serious commitment to taxpayers and not attacked for it.

To read ATR’s official statement on the Pledge and Kirkpatrick’s faulty claims against it, click “read more.”

Ann Kirkpatrick Campaign Caught Telling Lies about the “No New Taxes” Pledge

Kirkpatrick campaign desperate to distort Gosar’s “no new taxes” promise

WASHINGTON, DC—The Ann Kirkpatrick Campaign recently launched a new line of attack on Paul Gosar by attempting to mislead voters about the actual meaning of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. The goal of the Pledge is to protect taxpayers and businesses from tax increases. The Kirkpatrick campaign’s charges follow the patently false claims made by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) earlier in the year – claims that the non-partisan agrees are “blatantly false.”

The “No New Taxes” Pledge commits a signer to “oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses and oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.” By making this promise, Gosar has taken tax hikes off the table for all taxpayers in Arizona- something Ann Kirkpatrick has not done.

This is not the first time Democrats have tried to misrepresent the meaning of the Pledge. During the special election in HI-01, the DCCC ran misleading attack ads against the Pledge., a non-partisan "consumer advocate" for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics, responded by condemning the DCCC and agreeing that the ads were “blatantly false.”

Similar claims about the Pledge were made recently in Michigan, Nevada, and Washington. In Michigan, the Jackson Citizen-Patriot, a Jackson, Michigan newspaper, deemed Rep. Mark Schauer’s claims about the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and Tim Walberg to be “not true.” In Nevada, Jon Ralston of Face to Face “reality checked” the Dina Titus campaign ad and found the claims made against the “no new taxes” Pledge to be “thoroughly misleading.” King 5 TV in Washington called the accusations against the Pledge and senate candidate Dino Rossi to be a “stretch.”

“Why is Ann Kirkpatrick going out of her way to shamelessly distort Paul Gosar’s position on taxes? The Pledge signed by Gosar is a promise to constituents and businesses to never raise taxes. Kirkpatrick has yet to make the same promise and should explain to voters how tax hikes revive a struggling economy and promote job growth in Arizona,” said ATR President Grover Norquist.

“Paul Gosar has committed to never raising taxes on his constituents while his Democrat opponent has left the door for tax hikes wide open,” continued Norquist.

Click here for a pdf copy of the release.

Read more:

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