Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Janet Contreras For Congress AZ CD-4


President Admits that Health Care Reform Will Raise Costs
Paul Gosar on Friday, September 17, 2010 at 2:05pm

In selling what amounts to a socialized takeover of the private American healthcare system, President Obama and his allies in Congress, such as Ann Kirkpatrick, repeatedly told Arizonans and Americans that their reforms were crucial to reduce the increase in the cost of healthcare and would result in no increase to the national debt or yearly deficits. However, in a press conference last Friday, President Obama admitted that his health care reforms would actually result in the increase of health care costs and government spending:

"If the reports are true, as a consequence of us getting 30 million additional people healthcare, at the margins that's going to increase our costs, we knew that.” --
Real Clear Politics

We can only conclude from this that the President and his liberal allies in Congress engaged in political doublespeak during the debate over the merits of Obamacare. This is something that we have come to expect from President Obama and Ann Kirkpatrick. They implement “stimulus” programs that add nearly one trillion dollars of fresh red ink to the federal books and then they come out and lecture Arizonans and Americans about the dangers of the federal deficit and the national debt. They even run ads touting their “fiscal responsibility” and their efforts to bring down the national debt.

Instead of taking real responsibility for their failed policies, they continue to blame the previous administration. They will kick the can in any direction to avoid taking responsibility.

It is time for Ann Kirkpatrick to recognize that she has added trillions of dollars to the national debt by being a rubber stamp for the Obama administration and that her vote for Obamacare, in the words of the President, will increase the cost of healthcare in America and lead to even more government spending.

As a medical doctor, I know that Arizonans and Americans have the right to choose any health plan they feel will give them the best care without government mandates and directives, and I also believe that Arizonans and Americans should not be fined if they choose not to carry a health insurance plan. Ann Kirkpatrick feels differently.

“Arizonans want reform, less government and lower costs. Not the monstrosity this bill has become.”

--Dr. Paul Gosar.
Ben Quayle talks about fixing the financial mess


Obama, Pelosi, and Congressman Mitchell are trying to make as much “noise” as they can, to distract us from their liberal record of higher taxes and big government.

The voters see our economy is a shambles. This government’s record makes us cringe!

Congressman Mitchell voted for the Wall Street bailouts.

Congressman Mitchell voted for the failed stimulus.

Congressman Mitchell voted for ObamaCare …TWICE!

It’s time for a change!
David Schweikert gets it, and he will fight for us.

Our country is slipping backwards, and we need true fiscal leadership to save us from the liberal Washington agenda that is crushing us in spending and debt.

Supporting David Schweikert means that we can win in Arizona and defeat one of the most hard-nosed Pelosi liberals in the country.

Our deadline is fast approaching. If we don’t reach our goal of raising $65,000 to counter the liberal attacks, our hard-hitting ads go dark.

They want to sell our freedoms up the river to every special interest group in sight.
Higher taxes… higher taxes… and did we mention, higher taxes. These liberals don't understand we need to say no new taxes for any American. We the people say no!

The American people deserve better. They deserve a proven warrior who will fight for freedom!

This government’s job-killing agenda has been “unconscionable!”

- - And Congressman Mitchell will do everything he can to run from their record and avoid the issues… but we’re not going to let them hide!

Support David Schweikert TODAY. Send liberal Congressman Mitchell back to Arizona and remove these Pelosi rubber-stamp, rank-and-file U.S. Representatives from their disastrous seats in power.

Will you defend free enterprise and the Constitution, and join David Schweikert’s fight to win back the U.S. House of Representatives? - - We don’t win without Arizona.

Paid For By Schweikert for Congress

3,000 Pages and More Loopholes than Swiss Cheese

September 21st, 2010

For Immediate Release

Rep. Raul Grijalva is blaming health insurance companies after many of them decided to stop offering policies to children in response to provisions in Obamacare which are about to go into effect. And, yes, it's easy to say that the actions of these companies are despicable, and they are. Mr. Grijalva ought to take a close look in the mirror, however.

There are three absolute requirements to reforming our health care system: hospital, medical malpractice, and interstate commerce reform (currently, health insurance companies are not required-or even allowed-to compete across State lines). Of course, the Affordable Care Act pushed by the Obama administration and supported by Mr. Grijalva and his progressive pals in congress addressed none of these things. They didn't do anything to rein in costs--that $50 Advil is still waiting for you in the emergency room--and malpractice insurance remains prohibitively expensive.

So why didn't Mr. Grijalva and his colleagues address these issues? Why did they throw the entire burden for "healthcare reform" on the shoulders of taxpayers? Because trial lawyers, hospital unions
and insurance companies are three of the biggest donors to Democratic candidates around the country.

Yes, that's right. While blackballing Republicans and health insurance companies as baby-killers, it was Mr. Grijalva and the Democrats who sold us all down the river. For campaign contributions. Very noble of you, Mr. Grijalva.

"We do need real healthcare reform," said Ruth McClung. "But Obamacare is a disaster on every level. It doesn't address the root causes that are driving up healthcare costs--after all, it was largely written by prescription drug manufacturers, trial lawyers and insurance companies. Of course there are loopholes. They've been duly bought and paid for. Too bad Mr. Grijalva and his friends didn't stop to read the bill before they signed it."

Contact: Sam Stone


Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

10 tea party candidates to watch

By KASIE HUNT 9/21/10

Jesse Kelly, Arizona 8th District nominee

Jesse Kelly is a towering former Marine — he’s 6 feet, 8 inches tall — who is so conservative that he’s slammed Palin for endorsing candidates who are too moderate. He soundly beat state Sen. Jonathan Paton, the National Republican Congressional Committee’s preferred candidate, in the August primary and will face Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords this fall.

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